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Jagmeet Singh says link exists between anti-maskers and far-right extremism


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Empirical observation would seem to refute this statement. Just ask Tucker the Fucker. Or anyone else who reads the internet or watches the news.

And we can both go on about the idiocy of official academic wokeness. My sister's a college prof and she and I privately rip the shit on much of the stuff she encounters on campus. But that's not real life, or perhaps only 1 cosseted, twisted version of real life. So I'm not impressed with the "but a prof at Yale does this stupid thing" argument.
However it does mean that the argument of "he has a law degree what do you have" isn't a valid one in and of itself.
Also it isn't a "prof at Yale" thing, one can go on and on.
Overall, about 23 percent (345 doctors) reported having prescribed homeopathic treatments or referred patients to homeopaths within the 12 months prior to the survey. This was dubbed the “prescribers” group. The types of doctors most strongly linked to dabbling with the quackery were pediatricians, gynecologists/obstetricians, and those without a specialization.
While 50 percent of ‘prescribers’ used homeopathy with the intention of treating their patient’s specific ailments, only 42 percent or so bought into the homeopathic idea that the treatments worked because of the ‘law of similars’ (like cures like). That’s the idea that a (heavily diluted) substance that causes similar symptoms to a disease can cure that disease.
Only about 27 percent strongly bought into the principles behind homeopathy, including the miasm theory that "noxious influences" cause diseases. And only 19 percent bought into more modern twists, such as the incomprehensible idea that water molecules can have memories.

About 35 percent of prescribers said they thought homeopathic treatments only worked because of placebo effects. On the flip side, around just 23 percent of prescribers thought there was adequate scientific evidence to back up efficacy of homeopathic treatments. "
It isn't just a woke thing either, those numbers should be 0% after medical training. Even among US doctors a disturbing number of them believe in magic.
Don't forget the basic claim was "one guy" has a law degree, he should know.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Democratic Socialism is a nice start. It’s actually sad that you can’t conceive of any other form of political/ economic system other than capitalism....
You would be amazed to see how actual democratic socialism countries rely on capitalism to fund their programs.
If you are talking about socialism as extreme control and ownership of the economy as opposed to a robust wealfare state, well that just doesn't work very well which is why... read my first line again.

Also capitalism isn't the root of all evil, people have been killing, robbing, raping, not returning library books, everywhere for all times under all systems.
Capitalism isn't he base of evil, obviously Justin Beiber is.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Bullshit. He's an imbecile, just trying to stir shit up.
Just a coincidence that there's a big overlap in the two groups. :devilish:

It makes a lot of sense as those on the fringes of reality (both left and right) are used to assuming that there must be some kind of conspiracy going on. Makes it is easy for them to believe covid is one of them.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
Okay and? If this statement doesn't apply to you then why are you getting heated?
I'm not 'getting heated', at all. But you too easily accuse me of being a right-wing extremist with no evidence. That is disturbing.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
  • Haha
Reactions: Valcazar


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
As our non doc friend advises, far lefties are often too educated and never get off campus.

But I don't consider Singh "far left".
I never actually said that. Some far lefties are divorced from reality in the same way people who think Trump is. Often though is a bit of an oversell to what I was saying.

I also wouldn't consider Dr Mengele to be far left, I suspect my other two medical examples [Mercola and Wakefield] are not far left, but I don't know.

I would have put more right wing examples but most of the "Trump is honest" crowd as far as I know don't have Phds.
I was going to bring up Oral Roberts university but in the course of posting I forgot.
While we are at it, all those priests with STDs are pretty special needs also
Although the Jesuits I knew were all pretty hard left back in the 80s

All I was trying to say is that dismissing someone because they *might* only have high school and the person they are arguing against has a law degree just isn't on.
Too many examples of people with degrees who believe nutbar things, even in their fields.
Although is sometimes useful if you are talking about something complex and you are referring to the field as a hole [as opposed to the idea homeopathy is anything but retarded garbage] I can't believe I am being taken to task for pointing this out. Fuck man.

Also stop trying to paint me as some sort of Trumptard Jebus cultist. Just because I am not a fan of the woke crowd, it doesn't mean I am all sex nuts and retard strong for the hard right.
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Dupe post

Yeah except the flag is wrong and has nothing to do with the Neo Nazi movement

Google Suncross flag and see what the real flag looks like

Looks pretty Aryan to me. Why else would he be carrying it?


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Now go google a pic that shows what the REAL Neo Nazi flag looks like (or just go over to other thread where I posted it)
There is no one "REAL" Neo-Nazi flag.
The Sun Cross is used by lots of white supremacists. A Big-ASS Suncross flag is going to be assumed Neo Nazi or White supremacist until proven otherwise.
Which should be REALLY easy to do because anyone flying a flag like that has had to have people say "why are you flying a neoNazi flag?" a lot and so probably has a response all ready explaining the symbolism.
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