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Muslims slaughter cattle, camels and sheep in bloody sacrifice to celebrate Eid al-Adha


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
2. The animals are slaughtered for food, not sport. No part of the animal is supposed to go to waste.
3. The rules are a third of the meat MUST to the poor and hungry, a third goes to your friends and family and a third is for yourself. It encourages sharing and selflessness, even with the less fortunate. I believe that's what Jesus preached. Or you don't believe in Jesus...if you're an atheist, hey then this doesn't matter.

4. The tradition is to honour the memory of Abraham when he was asked to slaughter his son..and instead was given an animal to slaughter. You know...the Christian and Jewish story. So you can post on social media about how those Christians, Muslims and Jews (who all believe in this story) are awful for slaughtering an animal remembering a biblical figure

Most importantly - if you don't read the above..JUST READ THIS PART:
5. The slaughter is EXACTLY the same method and tradition as Jewish Kosher slaughter. Proper Kosher in a civilized country's Abattoirs DON'T use a stun gun. Kosher laws prohibit using a stun gun, which could scatter contaminated tissue because of muscle contractions. So i'd LOVE for you to post that JEWS are killing animals as a sacrifice to Elohim on Facebook or Twitter and it is awful killing them in the name of Judaism.
😂😂😂😂 it so easy to trigger these guys !!! I call bullshit that they're slaughter for food on Eid they're slaughtered as a SACRIFICE to Allah, some food is donated to charity, but its for sacrifice.


Active member
Jul 19, 2013
😂😂😂😂 it so easy to trigger these guys !!! I call bullshit that they're slaughter for food on Eid they're slaughtered as a SACRIFICE to Allah, some food is donated to charity, but its for sacrifice.
I"m a Hindu but I have Muslim friends and I have lived in the third world (not just visiting as a tourist where you don't see absolute poverty). Something you obviously have no experience on. You can call bullshit if you are ignorant about a subject, but you're still ignorant. Are you an anti-masker too? You throw more meat, fruit and vegetables in the garbage in the modern 'civil western society' you are so proud of than the average person in the third world (Not just muslim). There are things I disagree with - each religion has its pros and cons... animal slaughter isn't one of them.
How about sharing your religious and cultural beliefs since you are so quick to criticise others for theirs? Oh it's none of our business and irrelevant? Then why is theirs your business? Let them do their thing and you do yours. Nothing to see here.
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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2014
I'm not so sure you're a Hindu but that's really beside the point. The display of massive bloodletting certainly reinforces the tendency to violence found within Islam. Brutality to animals makes it easier to be brutal to other people, especially those that Islam puts on the same level as animals.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I'm not so sure you're a Hindu but that's really beside the point. The display of massive bloodletting certainly reinforces the tendency to violence found within Islam. Brutality to animals makes it easier to be brutal to other people, especially those that Islam puts on the same level as animals.
Are you suffering from mad cow disease?


Active member
Jul 19, 2013
😂😂😂😂 it so easy to trigger these guys !!! I call bullshit that they're slaughter for food on Eid they're slaughtered as a SACRIFICE to Allah, some food is donated to charity, but its for sacrifice.
I'm not so sure you're a Hindu but that's really beside the point. The display of massive bloodletting certainly reinforces the tendency to violence found within Islam. Brutality to animals makes it easier to be brutal to other people, especially those that Islam puts on the same level as animals.
You want a picture of me in Mandhir bhai? I'm not practising..like i said I question a lot of the beliefs and it was moving to the West that made me question them...when you grow up there it is a part of your culture and you don't question what you are comfortable with… that's why people get uncomfortable here when they get confronted by a vegan about the brutality of eating meat or milk and eggs from the grocery store (which has NOTHING to do with religion)...you don't want to question what you are comfortable with. I give people respect for their beliefs as long as they don't infringe on my own. Everyone has their own limits about what is acceptable. Dharma (Hinduism) and even Buddhism also says if you kill a cockroach or mosquito (any living creature) it is brutality.
Brutality doesn't lead to brutality against real humans. They have been using that argument against violent video games for decades...and it's not proven to be a valid argument. Using it to taint any religion is just as much a fallacy. You have to have a Hatred for humans or be influenced by others who hate a specific group of humans to be brutal to other humans.

If you ask me I think the big issue around the propensity for violence is shame around sex especially out of wedlock in these religions. Young men not getting laid....that Testosterone has to go somewhere. I think if someone promised anyone here pussy for free and as much of it as they want to do something for you in exchange...if they know they're not getting any and won't for the next few years....hey would be tempted too. I'm glad I can pay for it...and I have no shame about it :D :D :D bless the ladies who make themselves available for us.
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Active member
Jul 19, 2013
Bottom line is posts like the one OP used are posted on purpose to trigger a dramatic, inflamed response. Adding a religion to it is what trolls live for. Hindus, Muslims and Christians find homosexuality disgusting too. Personally, I don't, which wasn't always the case. Homosexuality was illegal in India until 2018 and is still illegal in almost all of Africa. I have cousins who have openly said they are disgusted with me when we talk about taking a trip to Greek town and it makes me laugh. They truly believe if you enjoy ass, you're gay and it is an abomination (said to my face!) Post a video on Facebook or a forum of conservative people of girl on girl action or a guy sucking another guys dick or and see how quickly you get an inflamed response. Posting it here won't offend anyone as we accept it as part of human sexuality. To me it's their loss but that's their belief and their choice of what they were taught and grew up with. I won't judge them for it.

My approach is now before being disgusted about anything, question my own beliefs...and those of what I am seeing... and try to keep an open mind that other people's cultural and religious values may not be the same as my own. Maybe there is something to learn from it, instead of being quick to be judgmental.

Do you find this video offensive and disgusting?

How about this?

So anyway that's all i had to say...just sharing my thoughts here.
Honk if you enjoy Greek - that's a kind of meat I like too :D :D :D
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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
Don't bring that up, they'll go nuts on you. 😂😂😂
Nobody gives a fuck what they like, we can post about pork as much as you want. Check this guy he goes nuts because the customer asked for bacon in his sandwich at KFC.



Active member
Jul 19, 2013
Nobody gives a fuck what they like, we can post about pork as much as you want. Check this guy he goes nuts because the customer asked for bacon in his sandwich at KFC.

Wow that kid has some serious anger management issues. I'd say he needs to get laid and chill out. Is he saying "what the fuck you recording me for". I think that whole incident wasn't about pork literally.

Then again...who goes into a Halaal restaurant and asks for Pork...and then gets angry it is not served? That's what started it and it was edited out. That's like me going into Bombay Bhel and getting angry and yelling at the staff for not having chicken..and then recording their reaction....or a Kosher restaurant and get mad at them for not having a bacon with the matza ball soup.

"The violent outburst happened at a Halal-friendly KFC in Punchbowl on December 26, allegedly after a customer became angry after being refused bacon on their burger. The Punchbowl restaurant does not serve bacon or pork in accordance with Islamic law, and one employee can be heard saying "we don't have bacon" before the other begins yelling. "Don't record me bitch!" he screams as he approaches the counter. "Don't f---ing record me!"

Restaurants have the right to serve whatever they want....nothing to get upset about.

I never got the bacon from KFC..I always get the fried chicken....but I'll take a Wendy's baconator any day! if it's worth getting angry over as a customer, I'll have to try it from KFC. Bacon makes everything taste better. :D:D:D


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
I"m a Hindu but I have Muslim friends and I have lived in the third world (not just visiting as a tourist where you don't see absolute poverty). Something you obviously have no experience on. You can call bullshit if you are ignorant about a subject, but you're still ignorant. Are you an anti-masker too? You throw more meat, fruit and vegetables in the garbage in the modern 'civil western society' you are so proud of than the average person in the third world (Not just muslim). There are things I disagree with - each religion has its pros and cons... animal slaughter isn't one of them.
How about sharing your religious and cultural beliefs since you are so quick to criticise others for theirs? Oh it's none of our business and irrelevant? Then why is theirs your business? Let them do their thing and you do yours. Nothing to see here.
Considering the Mods have intervened and modified you post, I find it funny that you call us ignorant.


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
Nobody gives a fuck what they like, we can post about pork as much as you want. Check this guy he goes nuts because the customer asked for bacon in his sandwich at KFC.

I didn't mean that literally, but nice video. Just shows the attitude of some of these guys.
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