Woman apologizes after video goes viral of her calling police on black birdwatcher


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
A #Jamaican dude curses out a racist Karen in #NY

Them Jamaican curse words hit different.

Did he call her a “big p*ssy gyal”

I decided against posting this a few days ago, because let's be honest all she did was be racist. That's not uncommon at all as you should know. She didn't call the police to come deal with him, so that was my reason for not bringing this up. It wasn't relevant. Not to this particular discussion, at least.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes, and this is what I am also arguing about: the "court of public opinion" is unjust and can be easily manipulated by half-truth. Anyone who participate in accepting this "court" judgement are more guilty than she is. You, as a part of "public opinion court", is a reason an innocent (in the real court of law) women lost her job (a real punishment). You are the guilty one. Not her. As you must agree, there is not sufficient evidence to confirm anything and there is a significant chance she was provoked and panicked, ,yet, you are are ready to convict her and ruin her life without sufficient proof. YOU are the bad guy in this story. And the guy who recorded the video and posted it online (instead of simply filing the complain with the police) is also the bad guy because he new that YOU and other like you existed who are willing to punish her without finding the whole truth first.
Her actions in the video were enough evidence.
It was enough for her employers and for the police.
The guy who posted the video is not the bad guy, he did not resort to violence or threats he just documented what happened.
Karen could have done her own video if she thought she was threatened instead of threatening the guy.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
This is a perfect example of what should have been "two ships passing in the night" going totally sideways.

1) I doubt she goes around calling 911 on black males.

2) I doubt he goes around taking cellphone videos of women he doesn't know.

In the famous words of General George Armstrong Custer: "This is a total fuckup."

1) Many like her will do it just put black males in their place, if there is a disagreement. Many like her don't fail to remind black people that they are black and thus inferior...and often the use colourful language in doing so. You know, black shit, black bastard, n"""r, monkey, slave etc etc. Please see the video canada-man posted as but one example.

2) But many people (including black ones) are pulling those phones out to make sure the shit of yesteryear does not repeat itself. Some do it to have proof in case things start going against them. Are you seeing the benefits of cell phone video in the George Floyd murder, as well as the Arbery and Walter Scott one? Would you have believed that a noble police man would have stooped to planting evidence to justify the murder of Scott, had it not been for cell phone video? It must be noted that he almost got away with it even with the cell phone video!!!!


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
Yes, and this is what I am also arguing about: the "court of public opinion" is unjust and can be easily manipulated by half-truth. Anyone who participate in accepting this "court" judgement are more guilty than she is. You, as a part of "public opinion court", is a reason an innocent (in the real court of law) women lost her job (a real punishment). You are the guilty one. Not her. As you must agree, there is not sufficient evidence to confirm anything and there is a significant chance she was provoked and panicked, ,yet, you are are ready to convict her and ruin her life without sufficient proof. YOU are the bad guy in this story. And the guy who recorded the video and posted it online (instead of simply filing the complain with the police) is also the bad guy because he new that YOU and other like you existed who are willing to punish her without finding the whole truth first.
Dude... SHE ADMITTED she was being a cunt and apologized.
Why are you trying to say something didn't happen when there is proof that it DID happen and the guilty party ADMITTED that it did happen and apologized for it.
GIVE IT UP, you already admitted that you are arguing or the sake of arguing, you are using court of law guidelines in an arena that IS NOT a court of law, and you are just making yourself look foolish.
You are a troll.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Her actions in the video were enough evidence.
It was enough for her employers and for the police.
The guy who posted the video is not the bad guy, he did not resort to violence or threats he just documented what happened.
Karen could have done her own video if she thought she was threatened instead of threatening the guy.
Her action on the video is only half the truth. We do not know what happened before. half truth = lie. It was not enough to the employer, it is the "court of public opinion" and the implicit thereat that that, if she was not fired, the company will be "prosecuted" in the same court is the reason the company fired her. Regarding police: there is not much needed for the police to do something (e.g., see the dead guy in Minneapolis). Police suspicion ins not the same as "guilty/ You seems to want to avoid the fair trial all the time :)
The guy who posted the video did not post it just because he documented half of what has happened: he posted exactly to get back at her and perfectly knew that it was not enough to proof the guilt in regular court. Furthermore, why did he had dog treats with him and gave it to her dog without her permission? Seems like a clear provocation on his part
regarding Karen shooting her own video: when people are afraid for her safety, they do not care much about what happens next, they care about safety first. And yes, counter-attack and threat of calling a police is a defence strategy. Like if in "no retreat" states if you see a burglar in your house, get your gun and threat to shoot him if he will not leave (instead of shooting right away, which you have the right to do)


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Dude... SHE ADMITTED she was being a cunt and apologized.
Why are you trying to say something didn't happen when there is proof that it DID happen and the guilty party ADMITTED that it did happen and apologized for it.
GIVE IT UP, you already admitted that you are arguing or the sake of arguing, you are using court of law guidelines in an arena that IS NOT a court of law, and you are just making yourself look foolish.
You are a troll.
There are a lot of innocent people agree to "deal" with the prosecution to avoid even steeper penalty if go to court. She was guilty in the "public opinion court" so, apology is like an ask for a milder sentence: the right thing to do even if you are innocent.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
1) Many like her will do it just put black males in their place, if there is a disagreement. Many like her don't fail to remind black people that they are black and thus inferior...and often the use colourful language in doing so. You know, black shit, black bastard, n"""r, monkey, slave etc etc. Please see the video canada-man posted as but one example.

2) But many people (including black ones) are pulling those phones out to make sure the shit of yesteryear does not repeat itself. Some do it to have proof in case things start going against them. Are you seeing the benefits of cell phone video in the George Floyd murder, as well as the Arbery and Walter Scott one? Would you have believed that a noble police man would have stooped to planting evidence to justify the murder of Scott, had it not been for cell phone video? It must be noted that he almost got away with it even with the cell phone video!!!!
Yes, and it is where these videos belong: in the courtroom, not online where they can ruin the lives of innocent people since they have no way to defend themselves against incomplete or possible altered videos.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Yes, and it is where these videos belong: in the courtroom, not online where they can ruin the lives of innocent people since they have no way to defend themselves against incomplete or possible altered videos.
That's your problem? The video being put online? Why? Did she apologise to him before he put it online?


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
There are a lot of innocent people agree to "deal" with the prosecution to avoid even steeper penalty if go to court. She was guilty in the "public opinion court" so, apology is like an ask for a milder sentence: the right thing to do even if you are innocent.
Where was she charged?
Where did she even come close to coming before a judge?
On a social level she was an absolute cunt. She gambled but lost. And tried her best to minimize the damage to her life.
There is no "what if it didn't happen?", or "maybe the video is fake"... she fucked up because she is an entitled cunt, and this time she got caught.
Stop making yourself look like a fool.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Her action on the video is only half the truth. We do not know what happened before.
We don't know what happened before other than testimony, yet you tried to make up a story and claim its real.
We do know what happened on camera and regardless of what you think, what she did was wrong and she was right to be fired.
Same reasons that people are on the streets protesting all across the US.
Because people like you won't listen to them.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
We don't know what happened before other than testimony, yet you tried to make up a story and claim its real.
We do know what happened on camera and regardless of what you think, what she did was wrong and she was right to be fired.
Same reasons that people are on the streets protesting all across the US.
Because people like you won't listen to them.
What happened before may have justified her actions. I am not saying that my "story" is correct, I am saying it is possible. Most probably my story is wrong, however, since it is plausible, she should not be punished since we do not know the whole truth. We cannot punish somebody if there is a reasonable chance he/she is not guilty (or guilty of a much minor offence). IMHO, I think there is at least 5% chance that she was not guilty and does not deserve the things happened to her. No, a mid-size massage parlour has about 40 clients a day. How would you think if every day 2 of them (5% out of 40 clients) got fired from there jobs just because they were in the wrong time at the wrong place? It is so easy to manipulate public opinion with half-truth (and the video that does not depict the entire incident is half-truth). And the guy who posted the video planned to get confrontational with dog owners (otherwise why he had dog treats). He took upon himself a "no leash law" enforcement that he was not allowed to do and by doing so he intentionally threatened dog owners and try to feed something to their dogs (which, as well as the dog owners whom he confronted, may thing is a poison). he is not innocent,. He started the confrontation. Yes, she lost control and may not be thinking straight when making the call (if she was thinking straight she would never do it since, given video recording, she is smart enough to understand the public reaction and possible consequences), but she was provoked. Do you honestly believe that he never raised his voice on her, was always calm, and never said anything threatening to her or the dog before he started the video? VP of finance firms do not go to central parks looking for black mails to call police upon them.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Where was she charged?
Where did she even come close to coming before a judge?
On a social level she was an absolute cunt. She gambled but lost. And tried her best to minimize the damage to her life.
There is no "what if it didn't happen?", or "maybe the video is fake"... she fucked up because she is an entitled cunt, and this time she got caught.
Stop making yourself look like a fool.
That is my point, She is no to charged her with in the real court and no evidence to support even the weakest claim. Yet, she got prosecuted in the "public opinion court:" and got sentenced (fired). If she is guilty of something - charge hr, have a court date, have a lawyer. If she is not convicted - nothing should happened to her. What is happening with media and firing based on the weak evidence without true court conviction - is the new version of the Lynch law. Do you want to live in the Lynch law society? I certainly do not,. And this is why I am defending her: innocent until proven guilty, and the "half truth" video is not sufficient evidence to prove the guilt.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
That's your problem? The video being put online? Why? Did she apologise to him before he put it online?
Yes, this is my problem. Him putting the video online instead of filing the claim with the police and giving them the video and the reaction of the people that, effectively, made her employer firing her.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Yes, this is my problem. Him putting the video online instead of filing the claim with the police and giving them the video and the reaction of the people that, effectively, made her employer firing her.
Maybe he thought he wouldn't get a fair shake from the police. Maybe he would have got laughed off and be called a fruit behind his back. Do you actually deal with cops as a black person? Tell us what it's like. Especially NYPD. My cousin is in an NYPD officer by the way.

Now, if after tempers cooled and she apologised right then and there then it would be a bitch move for him to post it.

But she actually called the police it would appear, so that makes things dicey. If she had just threatened to do so as a bluff move then I'd have let it go.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes, this is my problem. Him putting the video online instead of filing the claim with the police and giving them the video and the reaction of the people that, effectively, made her employer firing her.
So he's to blame and she's the victim?

Sorry but there is nothing to take to the police. It's not like they would do anything about her falsely calling 911. And more importantly Trump says social media is important and shouldn't be censored.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2017
That is my point, She is no to charged her with in the real court and no evidence to support even the weakest claim. Yet, she got prosecuted in the "public opinion court:" and got sentenced (fired). If she is guilty of something - charge hr, have a court date, have a lawyer. If she is not convicted - nothing should happened to her. What is happening with media and firing based on the weak evidence without true court conviction - is the new version of the Lynch law. Do you want to live in the Lynch law society? I certainly do not,. And this is why I am defending her: innocent until proven guilty, and the "half truth" video is not sufficient evidence to prove the guilt.
Are you stupid?
She apologized for her disgusting behaviour.
Even a racist cunt realized that she crossed the line and tried to minimize the damage to her life... too late, but at least she tried.
You are the only one defending the disgusting behaviour that she already admitted to.
Go crawl back under your rock.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
In Toronto, you are suppose to call 311 if you see someone breaking a bylaw. Not sure about NYC even though I've spent a lot of time there.

Anyway, I still recommend calling 911 if you don't feel safe.
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