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Why is Israel not expected to comply with UN Resolution 242?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You are against those items like butler is against Trump.
Every single time there is room for criticism, you don't take it.

Here's an example.
On Friday, the 72nd Friday of protests in Gaza, Israel injured another 75 people, including 45 hit by live fire....
I will criticize any innocent, peaceful protesters being hit. I will not criticize the violent protesters who were hit including the armed crew that entered Israel with guns and grenades. At this point there is no way to know which category most people fall into.

And the hypocrite in you won't say a word to condemn Hamas who along with having several bomb plots disrupted in the past few months, praised a couple teens being mowed down or the family that was bombed while visiting a spring.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
1) Do you accept where resolution 181 defines Israel as a Jewish state?

2) Before 1967, the territory was Jordanian and Egyptian and both those states have made peace with Israel making 242 irrelevant. You will notice that nowhere in 242 is a Palestinian state mentioned.
181 was a stupid resolution, where it gave 56% of the land to a group of mostly foreigners who were 33% of the population, in an act that was supposed to be retribution for the horrors of Hitler but somehow decided that the Palestinians should pay the price. That's pretty stupid. Even so, as I've said here 3 times already, I'd fully support the two state solution based on the only borders internationally agreed upon at this time, UN 181. Even it it results in two racist, ethno states, it would stand a better chance of creating peace than the present one state, apartheid solution. But a one state solution with equal rights is really the only one that makes sense longterm now.

2) The resolution says
Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security,
So the only borders recognized were from 181 and all land taken through war in 1967 is illegally gained through war crimes.
Thanks for clearly showing the UN statements that back that up.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I will criticize any innocent, peaceful protesters being hit. I will not criticize the violent protesters who were hit including the armed crew that entered Israel with guns and grenades. At this point there is no way to know which category most people fall into.

And the hypocrite in you won't say a word to condemn Hamas who along with having several bomb plots disrupted in the past few months, praised a couple teens being mowed down or the family that was bombed while visiting a spring.
Like I said, even when Israel shot 25 children, 2 medics and 2 journalists you still defended them.
You are worse than Hamas, who is now actively trying to stop the violence.

Hamas Takes Extraordinary Step to Quell Gaza's 'Angry Youth'
Rare Islamic fatwa aims to put an end to independent actions against Israel


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Like I said, even when Israel shot 25 children, 2 medics and 2 journalists you still defended them.
I love how you ignore what I wrote and instead pretended whatever you want. It is undeniable that there was violence and armed people among the protesters.

If you want to give me specifics about each case I will comment on them.

You are worse than Hamas, who is now actively trying to stop the violence.
I love how instead of criticizing Hamas who praises the intentional bombing of a family and children being run down and who continues to plot terrorism, you pretend that they're trying to stop violence and that somehow I'm worse than a terrorist organisation.

You keep making it clear how much you actually support Hamas instead of being a champion for human rights.

You are worse than Hamas, who is now actively trying to stop the violence.[/QUOTE]


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I love how you ignore what I wrote and instead pretended whatever you want. It is undeniable that there was violence and armed people among the protesters.

If you want to give me specifics about each case I will comment on them.
Yes, I want specifics.
Which of the 25 children, 2 medics and 2 journalists do you think were 'armed' so therefore should have been killed by snipers hiding behind a prison wall?

This is a weekly protest, over 1 year now, where Israel has killed over 300 and injured over 14,000.
There is zero evidence any of them were armed with anything that would endanger the life of a sniper who is behind a prison wall shooting in, as noted by multiple human rights organizations.

You have yet to state that anyone in Gaza killed by Israel was anything less than justified, including your refusal to condemn shooting children, paramedics and journalists.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
basketcase said:
If you want to give me specifics about each case I will comment on them.
Yes, I want specifics....
Do you have basic literacy skills? And no, relying on fake rights groups like pchrgaza will not provide answers to the question that both of us are asking.

We know that before Hamas smartened up, they claimed almost all of the dead from the first couple protests as either their militants or members of other terrorist entities. We have video of armed Palestinians getting into gun battles with Israeli troops and you still count them in your number of 'victims'. Pictures from the Gaza side show violence, rocks, and firebombs are a regular part of the practice but because of your racist obsession you will continue to pretend that all Palestinians are innocent victims while Israel is always evil.

At the same time you keep avoiding the evil that is Hamas with their terrorism, praise of other groups murdering random Jews, their theft of money from Gaza's poor, and their refusal to be part of any peace process. It is 100% clear that your interst is not human rights but simply a desire to remove Israel and their Jewish population.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Do you have basic literacy skills? And no, relying on fake rights groups like pchrgaza will not provide answers to the question that both of us are asking.

We know that before Hamas smartened up, they claimed almost all of the dead from the first couple protests as either their militants or members of other terrorist entities. We have video of armed Palestinians getting into gun battles with Israeli troops and you still count them in your number of 'victims'. Pictures from the Gaza side show violence, rocks, and firebombs are a regular part of the practice but because of your racist obsession you will continue to pretend that all Palestinians are innocent victims while Israel is always evil.

At the same time you keep avoiding the evil that is Hamas with their terrorism, praise of other groups murdering random Jews, their theft of money from Gaza's poor, and their refusal to be part of any peace process. It is 100% clear that your interst is not human rights but simply a desire to remove Israel and their Jewish population.
Your claims are bullshit.

There was “no justification” for Israeli forces to use live rounds, according to a press release issued by the UN Commission of Inquiry into the 2018 Gaza protests.

“I think the characterization of all the demonstrators as violent is something we wouldn’t agree with.”

I'll take the word of the UN over some troll.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I think Frank is yelling.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Your claims are bullshit....
Are you trying to say that Hamas didn't claim almost all of the dead from the first protests? Are you going to stake what little reputation you have on your claims that violence isn't a regular part of the Palestinian activities at those protests?

(and your 'report' from the Human Rights Abuser Council based mainly on interviews with Gazans is hardly worthy of comment)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Are you going to stake what little reputation you have on your claims that violence isn't a regular part of the Palestinian activities at those protests?
Are you staking your reputation on press releases from the IDF over human rights reports from multiple and very well respected organizations?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Are you staking your reputation on press releases from the IDF over human rights reports from multiple and very well respected organizations?
So why do all sorts of press organisation pictures from the Gaza side also show violence as a regular feature of the protests?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So why do all sorts of press organisation pictures from the Gaza side also show violence as a regular feature of the protests?
They show stone throwing, rolling burning tires and the occasional slingshot.
None of those threaten any sniper hiding behind the Gaza Ghetto's prison walls.

Which is why the UN said:
“I think the characterization of all the demonstrators as violent is something we wouldn’t agree with.”

I'm still disgusted that you are justifying shooting children.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
They show stone throwing, rolling burning tires and the occasional slingshot.
None of those threaten any sniper hiding behind the Gaza Ghetto's prison walls.

Which is why the UN said:
“I think the characterization of all the demonstrators as violent is something we wouldn’t agree with.”

I'm still disgusted that you are justifying shooting children.
Do you understand the word ALL?

Most protesters aren't violent and that is why most protesters are ignored by Israel. Why do you insist on pretending that violence isn't a regular part of these protests?

And if you are disgusted by killing children, why are you so reluctant to condemn Hamas and other Palestinians who intentionally murder random Jewish children in cold blood?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Do you understand the word ALL?
I think you fully understand that Israel shot 25 children, 2 medics and 2 journalists and you still refuse to condemn those acts.
They were shot by well equipped snipers, with scopes, from behind the prison wall.
There is no excuse for shooting children who are protesting for basic human rights.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
I think you fully understand that Israel shot 25 children, 2 medics and 2 journalists and you still refuse to condemn those acts.
They were shot by well equipped snipers, with scopes, from behind the prison wall.
There is no excuse for shooting children who are protesting for basic human rights.
He doesn't give one ounce of a fuck.
It's that simple.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I think you fully understand that Israel shot 25 ....
And how many of those were directly involved in violence. Sorry but despite your bullshit, a 16 year old throwing a grenade or fire-bomb is not the same as a child peacefully protesting.

Most importantly, your own source admits that some of the protesters are violent.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And how many of those were directly involved in violence.
Like I said, you defend shooting children, medics and journalists every chance you get.
For you, shooting children every Friday of every week for over a year is totally fine and normal.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Like I said, you defend shooting children, medics and journalists every chance you get.
For you, shooting children every Friday of every week for over a year is totally fine and normal.
Show me one post where I defended shooting innocent people? I can show plenty where you tried to justify Hamas rockets and attacks in the West Bank.

You also refuse to even whisper criticisms of Hamas who stand against everything you pretend to support.
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