Amidst Global Warming Hysteria, NASA Expects Global Cooling


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Nothing new.

Enjoying the floods this year?
100 year floods happen pretty often now, don't they?

The Worst Floods in History

1931 Yangtze River Flood
Date: August 18, 1931
Location: China
Death Toll: Estimated 3.7 million

1887 Yellow River Flood
Date: September 28, 1887
Location: China
Death Toll: 900,000 - 2,000,000

1938 Yellow River Flood
Date: June 1938
Location: China
Death Toll: 500,000 - 800,000

1975 Banqiao Dam Failure
Date: August 8, 1975
Location: China
Death Toll: 171,000 - 230,000

The Banqiao dam, located on the Ru River, failed on the night of August 8th, 1975. A massive typhoon, one of the region's most powerful on record, dropped an unprecedented amount of rain on the area. There are reports that rain was coming down so hard that local birds were being killed mid-flight, littering the ground below with their corpses. The region received more rain in one day than they normally got in a year, and it proved too much for the Banqiao dam.

1935 Yangtze River Flood
Date: 1935
Location: China
Death Toll: 145,000

About 70 to 75 percent of China's floods are thanks to the Yangtze River, the longest river in country. The 1930s were a particularly hard time for the people living on the shores of the Yangtze, as the decade had seen two of the worst floods in human history. While not quite as severe as the 1931 flood, the terrors of that event were still fresh when the 1935 flood struck. Millions of people would suffer at the hands of the Yangtze, and at least 145,000 people lost their lives. Disease and famine followed the water and were responsible for much of the carnage.

1530 St. Felix's Flood
Date: November 5, 1530
Location: Holy Roman Empire (modern day city of Reimerswaal)
Death Toll: 100,000+

St. Felix's Flood is still considered the worst flood disaster in European history. The flood completely destroyed the Dutch city of Reimerswaal, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire at the time. A further 18 villages were also destroyed on the day that would eventually be known as "Evil Saturday." Reimerswaal stood slightly above sea level, so the flooding turned the city into an island. Over the years, repeated flooding eventually drove the few remaining stragglers out of the city for good. Today the city has gone the way of Atlantis, completely submerged in the sea. Where the city once stood is now home to a massive population of mussels, and a fishery industry has developed around them.

1530 St. Felix's Flood
Date: November 5, 1530
Location: Holy Roman Empire (modern day city of Reimerswaal)
Death Toll: 100,000+

St. Felix's Flood is still considered the worst flood disaster in European history. The flood completely destroyed the Dutch city of Reimerswaal, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire at the time. A further 18 villages were also destroyed on the day that would eventually be known as "Evil Saturday." Reimerswaal stood slightly above sea level, so the flooding turned the city into an island. Over the years, repeated flooding eventually drove the few remaining stragglers out of the city for good. Today the city has gone the way of Atlantis, completely submerged in the sea. Where the city once stood is now home to a massive population of mussels, and a fishery industry has developed around them.

more here


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Are you saying 1981-2010 was yesterday? That is the most recent and relevant climate data point that should be used. And when you see it that picture will be showing much less red and orange.
When discussing climate it absolutely is too small a data set so is less reliable compared to a longer term average.

More importantly, the graph you posted with that as a baseline still shows a clear upward trend.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
AMOC is just everywhere, dont you know.

We are 3 weeks away from June and Toronto will have a low of +4 Celsius tonight. But yeah, global warming MMAAAAANNNN!!!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yeah, which is pretty much where this global warming nonsense belongs, on late night comedy shows
415 ppm, Phil.

Last time the world had CO2 levels that high there were trees in the arctic and oceans were 8 metres higher.
The thermal inertia of oceans, which take a really long time to warm up, means that we are just now experiencing the changes in global temperature from CO2 levels 40 years ago.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
415 ppm, Phil.

Last time the world had CO2 levels that high there were trees in the arctic and oceans were 8 metres higher.
The thermal inertia of oceans, which take a really long time to warm up, means that we are just now experiencing the changes in global temperature from CO2 levels 40 years ago
Better wear your shorts today, Frankie. I heard its gonna be a scorcher in Toronto

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You mean you thought you were talking climate when you said it was going to be a scorcher out today?
I was kidding of course. But you were not, you were equalling weather with climate


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I was kidding of course. But you were not, you were equalling weather with climate
You are the one that is confused again, Phil.
You made a comment about the weather here, I replied that its not hot here, its hot by the Arctic ocean where the weather has been extreme.

Extreme weather events are symptomatic of climate change, but in this case I was just exchanging weather stories.
You failed.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
You are the one that is confused again, Phil.
You made a comment about the weather here, I replied that its not hot here, its hot by the Arctic ocean where the weather has been extreme
LOL......thanks for proving my point that weather =/= climate.

Anything else you wanna throw by us, genius??? :spit:


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
LOL......thanks for proving my point that weather =/= climate.

Anything else you wanna throw by us, genius??? :spit:
Hey, that only took 6 posts before you fully understood.
That's even faster than the Orban thread, maybe there is hope for you yet.

Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts