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Trump orders 'study' of South African land seizures, alleged murders of white farmers


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I know it hurts when you score an own goal but suck it up. Your own source confirms that it was whites that expropriated with compensation for their own benefit and this resulted in non-whites not sharing any wealth and power for decades. Now, if you are colour blind (please don't score an own goal again!), you'll be outraged by this racist act and understand how this has to be unwound.
LoL!!!! The Post put that in the article for you(and not only). For people with no clue about the rule of law, justice and racism. Stealing a century later and punishing great grand children is NOT what civilized countries do. But, according to the WaPo and you, it's just fine and dandy.

Nathan 88

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2017
Trump is in a great deal of trouble right now, he has just had the worst week of his presidency. This is a very old political strategy to try and change the channel and take the focus off the criminals who were involved in his personal life and campaign.
It is not going to end very well for Mr. Trump.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Case in point.

That's three more own goals right there.
Sorry, but you don't have the brain power and I don't debate with teenagers. It's unfair.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Well his history has shown that he has always been so interested in South Africa. Not. Tucker Carlson tweets or says something and reflexively he has to repeat or retweet. Objective facts are irrelevant.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Well his history has shown that he has always been so interested in South Africa. Not. Tucker Carlson tweets or says something and reflexively he has to repeat or retweet. Objective facts are irrelevant.
The objective facts are clearly stated by the ANC and the government. Are you saying they are lying?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
And few short months ago "expropriation without compensation" was legitimate news from Bloomberg to the lefty Economist. Now that Trump spoke about it... This actually is surreal. - this is a Wapo's take. Read very carefully.
Taking your argument at face value, isn't this an internal SA issue? If Trump wants to give his two cents' worth, shouldn't this be by politely worded private messages from the US ambassador. The TERB righties spent most of last week screaming at Justin for doing what Trump is doing now wrt a far more appalling Saudi human rights violation.

Trump's message is clearly just this week's "red meat for his racist base". They always happen when he's under pressure and they're clearly just a news item distraction. Fox News will report about "white genocide in South Africa and how America must liberate the Afrikaners from the Black South Africans" and this gives Fox an excuse to avoid reporting the disastrous legal news that's affecting Trump.

And as I have said before: Crime and violence in South Africa has been off the charts for decades. It's notorious. If Trump wants to relieve parts of the world that are beleaguered with violent crime, SA might come up in the conversation. And if this is the case, surely he will succor those who most suffer from violence there - the poor Black South African population. Immigration should be colour-blind. So let's extend a special immigration program to guys called Makilawazi or N'Debwezi and their families as well as the De Witts, Therons and Van Hornings. I'd get behind that.

And while we're at it, how about those women and children who claimed asylum in the US last month because of a high violent crime rate in Honduras and Guatemala??..... Trump welcomes those poor folk with open arms, didn't he? Yup. He even made special arrangements to take care of their kiddies.

This is racist crap at its most vile from a thoroughly racist administration. Whites are sought out for special privileged treatment while Browns and Blacks are despised.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Taking your argument at face value, isn't this an internal SA issue? If Trump wants to give his two cents' worth, shouldn't this be by politely worded private messages from the US ambassador. The TERB righties spent most of last week screaming at Justin for doing what Trump is doing now wrt a far more appalling Saudi human rights violation.

Trump's message is clearly just this week's "red meat for his racist base". They always happen when he's under pressure and they're clearly just a news item distraction. Fox News will report about "white genocide in South Africa and how America must liberate the Afrikaners from the Black South Africans" and this gives Fox an excuse to avoid reporting the disastrous legal news that's affecting Trump.
We should add that Trump's opinion on South Africa is welcomed by many here on Terb, who are lamenting the disappearance of the Apartheid regime.

Make South Africa Great Again


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

Don't those statistics include Charlize Theron's mother shooting her abusive husband in self-defence to prevent him beating her to death? That was certainly a "murder on a South African farm".

Point being, most of what you just listed are common and garden non racial nasty incidents.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Taking your argument at face value, isn't this an internal SA issue? If Trump wants to give his two cents' worth, shouldn't this be by politely worded private messages from the US ambassador. The TERB righties spent most of last week screaming at Justin for doing what Trump is doing now wrt a far more appalling Saudi human rights violation.

Trump's message is clearly just this week's "red meat for his racist base". They always happen when he's under pressure and they're clearly just a news item distraction. Fox News will report about "white genocide in South Africa and how America must liberate the Afrikaners from the Black South Africans" and this gives Fox an excuse to avoid reporting the disastrous legal news that's affecting Trump.

And as I have said before: Crime and violence in South Africa has been off the charts for decades. It's notorious. If Trump wants to relieve parts of the world that are beleaguered with violent crime, SA might come up in the conversation. And if this is the case, surely he will succor those who most suffer from violence there - the poor Black South African population. Immigration should be colour-blind. So let's extend a special immigration program to guys called Makilawazi or N'Debwezi and their families as well as the De Witts, Therons and Van Hornings. I'd get behind that.

And while we're at it, how about those women and children who claimed asylum in the US last month because of a high violent crime rate in Honduras and Guatemala??..... Trump welcomes those poor folk with open arms, didn't he? Yup. He even made special arrangements to take care of their kiddies.

This is racist crap at its most vile from a thoroughly racist administration. Whites are sought out for special privileged treatment while Browns and Blacks are despised.
Actually, we discussed this very issue some months ago, here. This is NOT a new development. It's disconcerting, though to see people go ape shit just because Trump happened to comment on the subject. The Globe might even do an article, now


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003

Don't those statistics include Charlize Theron's mother shooting her abusive husband in self-defence to prevent him beating her to death? That was certainly a "murder on a South African farm".

Point being, most of what you just listed are common and garden non racial nasty incidents.
No, the statistics are of attacks on farms and resulting murders.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Actually, we discussed this very issue some months ago, here. This is NOT a new development. It's disconcerting, though to see people go ape shit just because Trump happened to comment on the subject. The Globe might even do an article, now
Trump does stuff not because he thinks pragmatically, but it is all about embracing the alt right base that so passionately support him.
Where the hell does Tucker Carlson get all his facts from? The actual fact is because the security situation in South Africa is of huge concern generally. As farms are the most vulnerable, they are targeted and have been for decades. As 8% of Whites own 72% of the farmlands, that is why the according to Tucker Carlson the "Whites" are targeted. The fact is that there are Blacks also who have been attacked and killed. But generally, in South Africa the number of Blacks being murdered are a huge percentage. Read some facts about the people who had no problems killing Blacks in South Africa and are still "proud" about it:,,1840575,00.html

Off course Tucker Carlson, Trump and the rest of the alt right wingers will never mention this fact.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Trump does stuff not because he thinks pragmatically, but it is all about embracing the alt right base that so passionately support him.
Where the hell does Tucker Carlson get all his facts from? The actual fact is because the security situation in South Africa is of huge concern generally. As farms are the most vulnerable, they are targeted and have been for decades. As 8% of Whites own 72% of the farmlands, that is why the according to Tucker Carlson the "Whites" are targeted. The fact is that there are Blacks also who have been attacked and killed. But generally, in South Africa the number of Blacks being murdered are a huge percentage. Read some facts about the people who had no problems killing Blacks in South Africa and are still "proud" about it:,,1840575,00.html

Off course Tucker Carlson, Trump and the rest of the alt right wingers will never mention this fact.
I don't read Guardian. I do know from the ANC itself that the expropriation without compensation is on deck. And I know enough about Marxism to realize that this will end in a wholesale bloodshed I don't need British socialists to filter it for me.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
No, the statistics are of attacks on farms and resulting murders.
I don't believe so, although the graph is ambiguous. It just records acts of violence "on farms". I take that to mean any act of violence that occurred on a farm.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I don't read Guardian. I do know from the ANC itself that the expropriation without compensation is on deck. And I know enough about Marxism to realize that this will end in a wholesale bloodshed I don't need British socialists to filter it for me.

Just a second, the whites were appropriated in Zimbabwe without wholesale bloodshed. I don't support the appropriations for a number of reasons, but potential bloodshed is not one of those.

As well, my understanding is that only a few outlier extremists in the ANC are calling for expropriations at rallies. In no way is it government policy, unless things have changed in the last few weeks.

Not surprised you don't care for The Guardian. I would have thought the Daily Mail was your British newspaper of choice.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I don't read Guardian. I do know from the ANC itself that the expropriation without compensation is on deck. And I know enough about Marxism to realize that this will end in a wholesale bloodshed I don't need British socialists to filter it for me.
Obviously, you do not know the full history of South Africa, past or present as it has nothing to do with British Socialism. I am not saying expropriation is right, but decades ago the Black Communities were ejected from their lands without any compensation, and these lands were taken over by the White Farmers. The Blacks were then employed at very low below poverty level wages. Two wrongs do not make a right, but a lot needs to be addressed, as the most affluent African nation has the largest unemployment level in Africa. Two decades have gone by and this imbalance cannot continue forever, as the level of crime will be the only means for survival for many of these individuals. Really, you have to travel there to see it for yourself rather than believe Trump and Carlson's versions.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
The article clearly talks about attacks on farms and murders (two items on same graph)
Danny, what I was saying. These are stats on all violent crimes which take place on farms. Not strictly wrt "Black vs White farm owner" violent crime.

Who are the victims of farm attacks?


“The statistics are not kept by race,” De Beer told Africa Check, “as race is not necessarily mentioned in the incident reports received from the stations.”

The last analysis of farm attack victims by race was conducted in the early 2000s. In 2001, the police’s Crime Information Analysis Centre revealed that of the 1,398 people attacked on farms, 61.6% were white, 33.3% were black, 4.4% were Asian and 0.7% were listed as “other”.

This data is now more than 15 years old and should not be assumed to be representative of the current situation.


Similarly, De Beer said that the police do not collect information on the status of the victims of farm attacks – meaning whether they were farmers, family members, or workers, amongst others.

The 2001 analysis by the Crime Information Analysis Centre found that 69.7% of the victims were farmers or their family members, 29.5% were workers or their family members and 0.9% were visitors.

Of the 1,398 victims, 59.2% were male and 40.8% were female.

Note as well that the % of attacks launched on "political / racial" grounds is minute. Most are just plain robberies. Hardly surprising. Violent robberies are endemic in SA.

The article directly refutes the American alt right claims that there is a white genocide going on in SA. In 2001, political / racial attacks constituted 2% of the attacks as a whole.
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