U.S. Has 3.5 MillionMore Registered VotersThanLive Adults-A Red Flag For ElectorFraud


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults — A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud

Elections: American democracy has a problem — a voting problem. According to a new study of U.S. Census data, America has more registered voters than actual live voters. It's a troubling fact that puts our nation's future in peril.

The data come from Judicial Watch's Election Integrity Project. The group looked at data from 2011 to 2015 produced by the U.S. Census Bureau's American Community Survey, along with data from the federal Election Assistance Commission.

As reported by the National Review's Deroy http://www.nationalreview.com/artic...voters-outnumber-eligible-voters-462-counties
Murdock, who did some numbers-crunching of his own, "some 3.5 million more people are registered to vote in the U.S. than are alive among America's adult citizens. Such staggering inaccuracy is an engraved invitation to voter fraud."

Murdock counted Judicial Watch's state-by-state tally and found that 462 U.S. counties had a registration rate exceeding 100% of all eligible voters. That's 3.552 million people, who Murdock calls "ghost voters." And how many people is that? There are 21 states that don't have that many people.

Nor are these tiny, rural counties or places that don't have the wherewithal to police their voter rolls.

California, for instance, has 11 counties with more registered voters than actual voters. Perhaps not surprisingly — it is deep-Blue State California, after all — 10 of those counties voted heavily for Hillary Clinton.

Los Angeles County, whose more than 10 million people make it the nation's most populous county, had 12% more registered voters than live ones, some 707,475 votes. That's a huge number of possible votes in an election.

But, Murdock notes, "California's San Diego County earns the enchilada grande. Its 138% registration translates into 810,966 ghost voters."

State by state, this is an enormous problem that needs to be dealt with seriously. Having so many bogus voters out there is a temptation to voter fraud. In California, where Hillary Clinton racked up a massive majority over Trump, it would have made little difference.

But in other states, and in smaller elections, voter fraud could easily turn elections. A hundred votes here, a hundred votes there, and things could be very different. As a Wikipedia list of close elections shows,
since just 2000 there have been literally dozens of elections at the state, local and federal level decided by 100 votes or fewer.

And, in at least two nationally important elections in recent memory, the outcome was decided by a paper-thin margin: In 2000, President Bush beat environmental activist and former Vice President Al Gore by just 538 votes.

Sen. Al Franken, the Minnesota Democrat, won his seat by beating incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman in 2008. Coleman was initially declared the winner the day after the election, with a 726-vote lead over Franken. But after a controversial series of recounts and ballot disqualifications, Franken emerged weeks later with a 225-seat victory.

Franken's win was enormous, since it gave Democrats filibuster-proof control of the Senate. So, yes, small vote totals matter.

We're not saying here that Franken cheated, nor, for that matter, that Bush did. But small numbers can have an enormous impact on our nation's governance. The 3.5 million possible fraudulent ballots that exist are a problem that deserves serious immediate attention. Nothing really hinges on it, of course, except the integrity and honesty of our democratic elections.



Jan 31, 2005
Ann Coulter got caught trying to vote twice. Usually what's going on is somebody moved and registered in their new location but never informed their old location that they left. That doesn't mean they vote twice.

Unless like Coulter they try and hop a plane to come twice on election day.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Ann Coulter got caught trying to vote twice. Usually what's going on is somebody moved and registered in their new location but never informed their old location that they left. That doesn't mean they vote twice.

Unless like Coulter they try and hop a plane to come twice on election day.
No plane required, with the surge of absentee ballots it's easy to do.


Jan 31, 2005
No plane required, with the surge of absentee ballots it's easy to do.
People moving around and not notifying the register does not mean they are committing crimes by voting twice.

This is just Trumpholes trying to pretend Trump didn't lose the popular vote.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Ann Coulter got caught trying to vote twice. Usually what's going on is somebody moved and registered in their new location but never informed their old location that they left. That doesn't mean they vote twice.

Unless like Coulter they try and hop a plane to come twice on election day.
But Trump said that of all the "Illegal voters" not one of them voted for him. "Trust me". I guess Ann Coulter's "Illegal vote" should be reversed and made to count as it is not considered by Trump to be an "illegal vote". The right wingies buy all his nonsense. LOL.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Trump said it himself, "The US election system is rigged". It's set up and run by local party officials and patronage appointees under state laws at all levels from ward and counties up. They do everything from distorting district boundary lines to registering fake voters or refusing to register live ones for party advantage, convinced that if they don't the other party certainly will, and they're just keeping things even. That's not to say there aren't upright and high-minded people in the system convinced their manipulations are 'saving the country', or even people of outstanding moral and ethical principles dedicated to electoral honesty. But overall, the system has no actual Constitutional federal role, that could maintain a minimally high standard, and the fragmentation makes it a competition won by whoever's worse. And that's before the Electoral College's role makes all that universal suffrage, popular vote stuff largely an irrelevant sham.

Not that Trump has any desire to unrig a system that handed him the Presidency after the best efforts of his campaign and his party lost the election by a seven million vote margin. All he's done is appoint his chosen toadies and hacks to get down in the mud and slime and do what they can to corrupt voters lists to his specifications. But fix the actual system? That'd be as dumb as not going bankrupt when the opportunity is right in front of you.
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