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Toronto voters want a right wing politician who is not Rob Ford


Mar 21, 2011
The same reasons Ford got elected, are being played out right in front of us.

Some politicians at City Hall claim to be fiscal conservatives. A 2.5% property tax increase if approved by council makes Miller proud.

Remember what Clinton said.

Someone better step up and stop this nonsense of tax increases, and give us tax cuts. Otherwise, someone is coming back from the ...

Yeah, someone should stop that stupid scarborough subway that Ford went for over the free LRT.
That's most of the tax increase.

The truth is that taxes are going to have go up, even with Ford yelling at people not to raise them.
He has no plan or way of keeping them down.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Yeah, someone should stop that stupid scarborough subway that Ford went for over the free LRT.
That's most of the tax increase.

The truth is that taxes are going to have go up, even with Ford yelling at people not to raise them.
He has no plan or way of keeping them down.
The origional tax increase proposed was 1.75%. Of that 0.5% was for the subway upgrade. Now there is talk of it becoming 2.5%how is that "most of it"? Report facts not fiction.

And as I said before. Go higher if it means real subway building for the city.


Jan 31, 2005
The origional tax increase proposed was 1.75%. Of that 0.5% was for the subway upgrade. Now there is talk of it becoming 2.5%how is that "most of it"? Report facts not fiction.

And as I said before. Go higher if it means real subway building for the city.
The answer is that Ford was lying to you. The 2.5% increase is what it takes to pay for a subway to nowhere.

I doubt anyone, including you, is surprised that Ford has told another lie.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there Ford teflon? Heard on the radio today that he still has a 44% approval rating and 33% would vote for him in a municipal election...13% would vote for him as the PM...


Sep 25, 2013
Chow inexperienced? She has had many years as a city councillor, a school trustee before that and years as an NP. She also had Layton as her tutor/ mentor. Few have been this well prepared.


Sep 25, 2013
0 Ford teflon? Heard on the radio today that he still has a 44% approval rating and 33% would vote for him in a municipal election...13% would vote for him as the PM...
Those numbers mean he would lose as mayor.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
The answer is that Ford was lying to you. The 2.5% increase is what it takes to pay for a subway to nowhere.

I doubt anyone, including you, is surprised that Ford has told another lie.
Of course he couldn't do it!

The question is, was it a lie, or was it stupidity.

It doesn't matter anyway. I voted for three things in the main. Privatize garbage, put the unions in check and subways.

So for looks good. And on the docket next week is east of yonge garbage collection. Bet it passes because if it doesn't a lot of people will start screaming.

We have the lowest property taxes ratio wise in the province. (Or at least one of the lowest). Add more. Put it all directed to infrastructure. And in the mean time keep searches for more efficiacies in the budget elsewhere.

All governments lie. All of them. In Ford's case I'm betting more on the stupidity side. It doesn't matter. The message has been sent.

Cripes even Robin Doolittle on Piers Morgan when asked stated you couldn't really fault his record. Just his personal shit. So fine. He is gelded. But the agenda lives on. And I'm pretty sure the council better realize this.....or back we go for more.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
...13% would vote for him as the PM...
That's why I think a minimum IQ test should be mandatory for voting. I think the same people would vote for a cartoon character listed on the ballot.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
The question is, was it a lie, or was it stupidity.

So for looks good. And on the docket next week is east of yonge garbage collection. Bet it passes because if it doesn't a lot of people will start screaming.
Is blowing fucking smoke a lie? Is farting from the brains a lie? When attempting to feed shit instead of something edible it would generally be considered to be LIES, LIES, LIES and more LIES.

Frank Digorgio his hand fucken-picked Budget Chief says the mayor is blowing smoke.

Every councilor spoken to says the same. Unachievable in the face of evidence means that repeating the same bullshit as Ford does is nothing but LIES.

What begins next week is budget talks and not garbage privatization.

What service cuts, route closures, fire hall stations closed, sidewalks not clean etc has Rob proposed in order to meet his blatant effin brain fart lies? NONE!!!!

When the effin hell will you people ever become informed?

Frickin effin fairytales believed and spouted.

Fiscal conservatives my ass. Rob and you and all those others who believe that piling on $2billion in debt for 3 totally unneeded subway stops is sound fiscal conservatism. How in the fuck is this justified especially considering that this nonsense will have to be subsidized by the taxpayer by $30-$40million dollars a year on an operational basis, notwithstanding the capital debt service(more fuckin tax dollars)?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Is blowing fucking smoke a lie? Is farting from the brains a lie? When attempting to feed shit instead of something edible it would generally be considered to be LIES, LIES, LIES and more LIES.

Frank Digorgio his hand fucken-picked Budget Chief says the mayor is blowing smoke.

Every councilor spoken to says the same. Unachievable in the face of evidence means that repeating the same bullshit as Ford does is nothing but LIES.

What begins next week is budget talks and not garbage privatization.

What service cuts, route closures, fire hall stations closed, sidewalks not clean etc has Rob proposed in order to meet his blatant effin brain fart lies? NONE!!!!

When the effin hell will you people ever become informed?

Frickin effin fairytales believed and spouted.

Fiscal conservatives my ass. Rob and you and all those others who believe that piling on $2billion in debt for 3 totally unneeded subway stops is sound fiscal conservatism. How in the fuck is this justified especially considering that this nonsense will have to be subsidized by the taxpayer by $30-$40million dollars a year on an operational basis, notwithstanding the capital debt service(more fuckin tax dollars)?
Now there you are telling lies. 2 billion in debt? That's a lie. The total cost of the extension is budgeted at what, 3 b? With 1.4 from the Libs and 660 million from the Feds your playing a doubling game. Not nice. Post the numbers correectly or lose cred like the mayor.

We all know you would prefer it go to getting your union back collecting the garbage, with raises and apologies all around for ever doubting the ranks. Funny how no complaints or issues after the first few weeks eh? And Minnon-Wong said it is coming up as part of the budget talks. He has to if wants a shot at Mayor to take over the agenda. There are a lot of eyes on this budget coming. Expect some more slashing hopefully, or expect a very large fight.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Chow inexperienced? She has had many years as a city councillor, a school trustee before that and years as an NP. She also had Layton as her tutor/ mentor. Few have been this well prepared.
I'd say she's inexperienced. She's represented a ward in Toronto and a riding federally but never lead a team like she would have to as mayor. Jack, her mentor as you put it, never won anything, best he ever did was second place. I think if she puts her typical socialist agenda forward she will have difficulty winning.


Court Jester
Oct 17, 2011
I think if she puts her typical socialist agenda forward she will have difficulty winning.

Those numbers mean he would lose as mayor.
Not necessarily. The last poll on Chow's support had her at 36 per cent, with a margin of error of 4.3 percentage points. So if Ford is at 33 per cent, he would be within range to win (and possibly could win, depending on voter turnout).

Frankly, though, I doubt Ford's support is at 33 per cent. I'm already on record in this thread as saying that Forum Research's numbers are consistently (and often, remarkably) wrong.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Now there you are telling lies. 2 billion in debt? That's a lie. The total cost of the extension is budgeted at what, 3 b? With 1.4 from the Libs and 660 million from the Feds your playing a doubling game. Not nice. Post the numbers correectly or lose cred like the mayor.

We all know you would prefer it go to getting your union back collecting the garbage, with raises and apologies all around for ever doubting the ranks. Funny how no complaints or issues after the first few weeks eh? And Minnon-Wong said it is coming up as part of the budget talks. He has to if wants a shot at Mayor to take over the agenda. There are a lot of eyes on this budget coming. Expect some more slashing hopefully, or expect a very large fight.
Unfortunately it is the truth.

$1Billion 'opening cost estimate' for 3 subway stops to be financed by Toronto taxpayers through 30 years of increased tax payments.
$100million to be paid for 'work' already' completed for the LRT, now tossed into the dust bin which the taxpayers of Toronto are solely responsible to pay for.
$$$millions for a spanking brand new EA which the taxpayers of Toronto are solely responsible to pay for.
$$$millions for cost overruns likely to range in the hundreds of millions which the taxpayers of Toronto are solely responsible to pay for.
$1billion+++++ to subsidize the operation of an unneeded, scarcely used subway which the taxpayers of Toronto are solely responsible to pay for.

Add em' all up and hopefully you will see that the true figure easily eclipses $2billion. As I said more fairytales for the uninformed to marvel at.

It would helpful If you can provide a link that the outsourcing of solid waste services east of Yonge St. is 'on the docket' and 'on the block' to outsource as part of the 2104 budget discussions. Maybe it is, but I haven't heard that it was. TCEU Local 416 has not 'been served with notice' as far as I am aware of, not to mention that request for proposals and request for bids have not been issued as of yet.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Unfortunately it is the truth.

$1Billion 'opening cost estimate' for 3 subway stops to be financed by Toronto taxpayers through 30 years of increased tax payments.
$100million to be paid for 'work' already' completed for the LRT, now tossed into the dust bin which the taxpayers of Toronto are solely responsible to pay for.
$$$millions for a spanking brand new EA which the taxpayers of Toronto are solely responsible to pay for.
$$$millions for cost overruns likely to range in the hundreds of millions which the taxpayers of Toronto are solely responsible to pay for.
$1billion+++++ to subsidize the operation of an unneeded, scarcely used subway which the taxpayers of Toronto are solely responsible to pay for.

Add em' all up and hopefully you will see that the true figure easily eclipses $2billion. As I said more fairytales for the uninformed to marvel at.

It would helpful If you can provide a link that the outsourcing of solid waste services east of Yonge St. is 'on the docket' and 'on the block' to outsource as part of the 2104 budget discussions. Maybe it is, but I haven't heard that it was. TCEU Local 416 has not 'been served with notice' as far as I am aware of, not to mention that request for proposals and request for bids have not been issued as of yet.
Its to be discussed. I heard minnan-wong say it live on tv.

Want to play the long term game? Ok. Privatize garbage east of yonge will result in approx 15 million per year in savings. Over 30 years that's 450 million(without thinking inflation). That's slightly less that half of the progected cost to the city for the new subway. Or could basically pay off the Gardiner. Or about 55% of what we have to do in repairs for social housing.

Simple math. I can play that game too. Combination of some cuts, some hold the lines(no more than say 1 to 1.5% cost of living increases for all city employees over the next 10 years) and new revenue tools(hello again hospitality tax!) And a few regular tax increases and all the infrastructure can be cleared. But some don't want their little personal "thing" cut. Well too bad. Everyone needs to pay. Everyone.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Its to be discussed. I heard minnan-wong say it live on tv.

Want to play the long term game? Ok. Privatize garbage east of yonge will result in approx 15 million per year in savings. Over 30 years that's 450 million(without thinking inflation). That's slightly less that half of the progected cost to the city for the new subway. Or could basically pay off the Gardiner. Or about 55% of what we have to do in repairs for social housing.

Simple math. I can play that game too. Combination of some cuts, some hold the lines(no more than say 1 to 1.5% cost of living increases for all city employees over the next 10 years) and new revenue tools(hello again hospitality tax!) And a few regular tax increases and all the infrastructure can be cleared. But some don't want their little personal "thing" cut. Well too bad. Everyone needs to pay. Everyone.
You play a very flawed game my friend because every study that I have read comes to the same conclusions which are:

1) Initial privatization invites low bids to secure the contract resulting in little to no profit for the waste hauler.
2) Over time, to compensate for the above, bids rise and thus the savings to the taxpayer erodes and erodes even reaching to zero and below zero. (See the Hamilton experience where in-house collection is actually less costly that private)
3) Outsourcing the totality of solid waste services means that the City's entire solid waste infrastructure is laid waste hence the city is left extremely predisposed to service interruptions, bid rigging, rising costs and so forth. Basically an oligopoly emerges that would control and attempt to manipulate the market.

In conclusion the best service delivery module for solid waste collection is a public and private method competing with each other as is the case with Hamilton. (Studies have proven this.)

Your premise regarding wanting to 'play the long term game' is faulty because the costs of the unneeded subway is an astronomical $2billion just to start and only can go one way .... that is UP!

Whereas the savings from privatizing solid waste services to the entirety of the City of Toronto initially seem promising ..... however those savings eventually vanquish to less than zero.

Similar to Robbie ...... promising the sun and the moon yet eventually disintegrating to less than zero.
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Jan 31, 2005
Privatizing garbage is s good idea, but it is not without problems either. There's no free lunch. We should privatize the rest, just so we have a bigger job to tender, giving the city more bargaining power.


Sep 25, 2013
Privatizing garbage is not a good idea. The government must lead paying high wages, benefits and pensions so that the private sector must match this in the competition for labour. This process drives up labour costs everywhere which raises our average standard of living and makes a richer country.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You play a very flawed game my friend because every study that I have read comes to the same conclusions which are:

1) Initial privatization invites low bids to secure the contract resulting in little to no profit for the waste hauler.
2) Over time, to compensate for the above, bids rise and thus the savings to the taxpayer erodes and erodes even reaching to zero and below zero. (See the Hamilton experience where in-house collection is actually less costly that private)
3) Outsourcing the totality of solid waste services means that the City's entire solid waste infrastructure is laid waste hence the city is left extremely disposed to service interruptions, bid rigging, rising costs and so forth. Basically an oligopoly emerges that would control and attempt to manipulate the market.

In conclusion the best service delivery mode for solid waste collection is a public and private method competing with each other as is the case with Hamilton. (Studies have proven this.)

Your premise regarding wanting to 'play the long term game' is faulty because the costs of the unneeded subway is an astronomical $2billion just to start and only can go one way .... that is UP!

Whereas the savings from privatizing solid waste services to the entirety of the City of Toronto initially seem promising ..... however those savings eventually vanquish to less than zero.

Similar to Robbie ...... promising the sun and the moon yet eventually disintegrating to less than zero.
Links to these studies? Like to see the authors.

I'd imagine you got them from the union......


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Links to these studies? Like to see the authors.

I'd imagine you got them from the union......
It's been about 2 years since I linked authors and their studies re: private/public service delivery of solid waste (they are lost in the wasteland of past Terb posts).

However, Beth Goodger provided this analysis of her study which I have previously linked:

I am sure if you google your brains out you can find much info on her and her reputation as well as other studies from other authors re: public/private competition as the best delivery mode.
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