Toronto voters want a right wing politician who is not Rob Ford


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
The more the unions make the more everybody makes. The more you control unions, the more everybody's wages rise.

Hudak wants right to work legislation in order to make Ontario a low wage jurisdiction like Alabama or Louisiana.
Finally someone with the sense to real Unions are evil and are in fact vital to mantaining the existance of the middle class.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Finally someone with the sense to real Unions are evil and are in fact vital to mantaining the existance of the middle class.
Nobody said they were "evil". But the pendulum swings. And they were a bit out of hand. Personally I didn't want to break them. Just reign them in.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Not necessarily.

Check the poll in the original post. If accurate, it shows 65 per cent of voters preferring candidates with right-of-centre leanings, even when Chow is in the mix. And nearly half of voters support what Ford has been doing at City Hall (the agenda, not his press conferences).
If everyone, the candidates are all lining up on the right, then Rob Ford may not have a chance.

There would be nothing unique about Rob Ford in a field of right wing candidates. Other than the wild lifestyle of course.

From that angle, was Rob Ford's initial term as mayor a big success? He seems to have galvanized the right wing voice in Toronto, and that voice is loud.

Looking at those declared candidates, that is the only voice in town. The only voice that matters.

Still, that leaves a curious question about Ford Nation. How far right is Ford Nation really?

We don't know.

I really thought Ford was going to try and break the unions, break'em for good. For example, contract out the remaining garbage collection. No union, no problemo!

Will the next right wing mayor try to privatized the rest of the garbage collection?

What is Ford Nation's expectation on that question?

I think, this is going to get interesting ... lolz.



Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
One other thing.


If Rob Ford campaigns on subways again, will the public and Ford Nation trust a crackhead to deliver on subways? It is a longshot, but that longshot came in once before.

Whoever campaigns on subways and cut the gravy probably will win again ... lolz!



Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
She will get 80% of the Chinese vote + the present 35% of the Toronto vote that is NDP. Against Ford or Tory or Stintz it is easily enough. She is about 57 now. Ford Nation is already over.
You are engaging in too much optimism to believe the Chinese population of Toronto will vote in that nice old frail Chinese woman.

How does a nice old frail Chinese woman gain so much power in a Canadian city? There must be someone backing her.

You're really saying the Chinese in this city will vote for the unions?


Active member
May 7, 2013
Rob Ford's worst mistake has yet to haunt us (the fiasco over cancelling the Scarborough LRT in favour of a much more expensive and useless Subway).

Chow is not suitable for Mayor, but I would never dare declare that Rob Ford hasn't been a bad mayor.. There's more to being mayor than NOT increasing taxes by as much as others might have (while increasing user fees for city services mind you).
If the Scarborough subway is useless, what do you think the 2 stops subway extension into Hwy 7 and Jane?


Active member
May 7, 2013
One other thing.


If Rob Ford campaigns on subways again, will the public and Ford Nation trust a crackhead to deliver on subways? It is a longshot, but that longshot came in once before.

Whoever campaigns on subways and cut the gravy probably will win again ... lolz!

Scarborough will be solid behind Ford in order to secure the hard fought subway.

There is no way the residents will trust any other candidates to finish and deliver the subway.


Active member
May 7, 2013
You are engaging in too much optimism to believe the Chinese population of Toronto will vote in that nice old frail Chinese woman.

How does a nice old frail Chinese woman gain so much power in a Canadian city? There must be someone backing her.

You're really saying the Chinese in this city will vote for the unions?
Good point about her health.

She went through cancer treatment few years ago. She had facial control problem for more than 6 months because of mental stress issue. On top of those 2 physical problems, she isn't exactly that young and I would think she is more suitable for retirement than handling the very demanding mayor job.

She is a Cantonese and speaks almost no Mandarin. Just don't know how popular she would be with the Mainland China immigrants. She also alienated a good portion of Chinese population, anyone related to or associate with Chinese restaurants, with her vocal anti-shark-fin stand. Her age again is not going to secure young Chinese voters who will vote with the mainstream population.


Sep 25, 2013
In her own elections in Trinity Spadina she win all the Chinese polls overwhelmingly even though only a much smaller group are NDP supporters. I am privy to internal polling and she sweeps northern Scarborough and North York over to Don Mills. You alzo notice that there is no progressive Liberal declared so far. No Shelley Carroll type. In this situation, left Liberals prefer the NDP to Tories. Chow has already recruited many progressive Liberals like Warren Kinsella.

I believe she is going to be very hard to beat by anyone in the field. John Tory is the most popular of the right wing candidatess but she still beats him 1 on 1.


Jan 31, 2005
John Tory is the most popular of the right wing candidatess but she still beats him 1 on 1.
She will be hard to beat if Ford runs. If Ford drops out and the right reaches a consensus on a single candidate then current polls would seem to give the right a strong lead.

Alternately if Ford actually goes to rehab in a convincing was and comes back genuinely cleaned up, then he might get a consensus of the right.

But currently with the right deeply split she looks hard to beat. Still, election is a long way off, waaaaay to early to make a solid prediction.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Other than Stintz, who is the one that actually delivered it?
Uhmmm ..... unfortunately it was the provincial Liberals who decided that they would try to buy a couple of Scarborough seats in the by-election.


Sep 25, 2013
She will be hard to beat if Ford runs. If Ford drops out and the right reaches a consensus on a single candidate then current polls would seem to give the right a strong lead.

Alternately if Ford actually goes to rehab in a convincing was and comes back genuinely cleaned up, then he might get a consensus of the right.

But currently with the right deeply split she looks hard to beat. Still, election is a long way off, waaaaay to early to make a solid prediction.
Fuji don't make the same mistake as the other guy. You cannot add up the Ford, Tory Stintz, Solnecki vote and assume they will all vote for one right winger. Much of the Ford vote is "antiestablishment" and can easily vote Chow, much of the Stintz vote is we want a female and can easily vote for Chow,

When Ford was matched against Chow she killed him with no others before the video. She can easily defeat Ford or Tory or Stintz 1 on 1.


Mar 12, 2004
Wishful thinking

Fuji don't make the same mistake as the other guy. You cannot add up the Ford, Tory Stintz, Solnecki vote and assume they will all vote for one right winger. Much of the Ford vote is "antiestablishment" and can easily vote Chow, much of the Stintz vote is we want a female and can easily vote for Chow,

When Ford was matched against Chow she killed him with no others before the video. She can easily defeat Ford or Tory or Stintz 1 on 1.
Dream on,...



Sep 25, 2013
Is there anyone other than Lovehobby who actually pictures that happening?

Take a look at what the pollsters are saying. Take the broadest field Tory, Ford, Stintz, Soknacki, Chow. 5 candidates.

Now every time you drop one of the right wing candidates (Tory, Ford, Stintz or Soknacki) and reshuffle Chow's vote also goes up. The vote does not automatically transfer to other RW candidates. When the crack video had not been released, Ford by himself was losing to Chow and Chow was at 50%.

Anybody who thinks you can pick one champion from the right and all other RW votes transfer to them is sadly very naive about how political support works.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
And all of these polls are still based on no platform, no press statements, no interviews, no debates. Just wishful hopes in the midst of a very large political scandal. And the same applies to John Tory, Karen Stintz et al. I'll wait(as will enough of the population to swing the vote) until the various candidates actually SAY something before making a judgement as to their worth in the long term. This is at best CNN style speculation and quite franky LH you sound like a bad talking head. Its a long campaign and the frontrunner hasn't won it in years.
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