Toronto Maple Leafs 2013/14 Season


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
I would say its a little higher than dryer lint lol. Then again It was Kessel who said just a few days ago he didn't want to talk contract during the season. But everybody has the right to change their mind right?
tonight was the season opener so he signed before the season opened.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I would say its a little higher than dryer lint lol. Then again It was Kessel who said just a few days ago he didn't want to talk contract during the season. But everybody has the right to change their mind right?
You still do not get it
The point is that you can not say with certainty what someone else will or will not do.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
First game = a W! I'd like to comment on the game, still early I know, but:

-When was the last time any Leafs scored a SH goal? I like the new higher energy level Bozak displayed last night, what do you say about the choice between him and Grabbo? I think Leafs made a hard and good choice.
-Our dear Rheimer is solid in goal and deserving a win, but still he does not quit making my heart skip with his handling of the puck or with his own stick...
-Number 2 has been valuable in this game, is it because of a contracting year, or he has set aside all the criticism and mature into his role?

Let's game 2 begin tonight! GO LEAFS GO!


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
What can I say, I'm quite surprised by the announcement. If he can grab $8 million a year for 8 years good for him. Will be interesting to see what kind of team they can put around him in the coming years.
The lesson to be learned is that we, as outside observers looking in, have very little idea what goes on in the dressing room, management offices and players heads.

It always astounds me, the number of predictions made by people who are on the outside, yet are so positive of those predictions.


Apr 28, 2008
Nice to see a lot of goals in first night of the season .. Smaller goalie bads maybe or just one of those nights and not a trend . Garbo 3 goals and 1 assist . Good for him and I never going to say his buyout a bad idea . Although
Randy Carlyle was once wrong when he had Joffrey Lupul but Garbo output this year could be cause he is on a one year contract .


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Nice to see a lot of goals in first night of the season .. Smaller goalie bads maybe or just one of those nights and not a trend . Garbo 3 goals and 1 assist . Good for him and I never going to say his buyout a bad idea . Although
Randy Carlyle was once wrong when he had Joffrey Lupul but Garbo output this year could be cause he is on a one year contract .
Congrads to Grabbo, I've always like his fierceness... Toronto gave up on him due to the salary cap and his ineffectiveness last year, but he is still a good player and the main thing is he loves to play still. We'll see how he does for the whole season, all the best wish to him. I just do not like the emotional way he lashed out at RC when he was bought out, I would just take the money and have fun if I were him (fat chance I WERE him :D).


Apr 28, 2008
Congrads to Grabbo, I've always like his fierceness... Toronto gave up on him due to the salary cap and his ineffectiveness last year, but he is still a good player and the main thing is he loves to play still. We'll see how he does for the whole season, all the best wish to him. I just do not like the emotional way he lashed out at RC when he was bought out, I would just take the money and have fun if I were him (fat chance I WERE him :D).
He did apolgoize a couple of weeks ago .. He also loved T.O and became a Canadian Citizen and wanted to make T.O his pernment home and that maybe why he was so angry .


Jun 6, 2009
Nice to see a lot of goals in first night of the season .. Smaller goalie bads maybe or just one of those nights and not a trend . Garbo 3 goals and 1 assist . Good for him and I never going to say his buyout a bad idea . Although
Randy Carlyle was once wrong when he had Joffrey Lupul but Garbo output this year could be cause he is on a one year contract .
Now if they can only rein in the size of the bucket on the goalies catching hand, it's ridiculous.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
I do not know about you, but I DO NOT pay for his salary in anyway. All I can do is cheering the Leafs, hoping they will provide the heart-stopping fun like they had last year, not the heart-breaking before that. Seems like this management team and this roster has some chance this year, I love EVERY moves that they had made so far, GO LEAFS GO!
Sure you do, in some small part. We watch on TV. Watching pumps the TV ratings and gives the stations the desire to grab as many Leaf game as they can fit into their schedules, which in turn prompts companies to buy ad time(commercials) .... trickle down effect ..... it ends up in the Leafs vault and when it comes time to sign players they open the vault.

Thanks for watching.

I do my part by watching on TV or listening on radio, buying all kinds of merchandise and the occasional ticket(s).

Gentlemen and Ladies....

Last year they finally lost me for the most part. I didn't even watch the playoffs.
I refuse to allow this team to emotionally engage me. 46 years of bad ownership finally took its toll.
Don't be lemmings, be critical. Vote with your feet.

If I see better money spent.....a final series...I may come back....till then I've got the baseball playoffs and a lot of tv series I can catch up on.

Don't be blind to the ownership greed..demand more....
Now, ... after they finally appear to have all their ducks in a row ?
Good ownership, good management, ... now you decide to throw in the towel ?


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Tougher test for the Leafs tonight in Philly.
Cannot push the Flyers around as easily.

Go Leafs Go !


Active member
Sep 23, 2010
Sure you do, in some small part. We watch on TV. Watching pumps the TV ratings and gives the stations the desire to grab as many Leaf game as they can fit into their schedules, which in turn prompts companies to buy ad time(commercials) .... trickle down effect ..... it ends up in the Leafs vault and when it comes time to sign players they open the vault.
I got my station in a whole package, so the "cost" for Leafs' game is none to me. I tried to distance myself from the salary talk, I feel detached when ticket price increase happen or when they throw money away on someone, easier that way. Truly I do not feel even a micro bit of ownership in the team's money side, just like to enjoy the game by itself.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Obviously you don't recognize when someone is giving an opinion.
What is obvious is that you do not distinguish the difference between giving an opinion and stating your opinion as a fact

Look, this has the potential to turn into a ugly pissing match, so lets just leave it at that


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Flyers penalty shot .... Simmonds !

Aw bananas ... He missed.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sure you do, in some small part. We watch on TV. Watching pumps the TV ratings and gives the stations the desire to grab as many Leaf game as they can fit into their schedules, which in turn prompts companies to buy ad time(commercials) .... trickle down effect ..... it ends up in the Leafs vault and when it comes time to sign players they open the vault.

Thanks for watching.

I do my part by watching on TV or listening on radio, buying all kinds of merchandise and the occasional ticket(s).

Now, ... after they finally appear to have all their ducks in a row ?
Good ownership, good management, ... now you decide to throw in the towel ?
Actually it was a few years ago.....didn't even watch a single game last year. At this point I'm going to need third round of the playoffs minimum......too much shitty water under the bridge. We've seen the promises before...over and over.

I'm not saying don't be a fan.....but be a critical one at this point. And if they aren't playing up to to snuff...don't make excuses......and let them know with your feet and eyes.

Rogers and Bell bought the team for live content because they are bleeding cable subscibers. If ratings went down then they would have to address it. That's the point.
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