How do escorts deal with obese clients?


Mar 15, 2012
You are even more of a misguided idiotic vile creature than I thought. Cling to you imagined superiority, heightened from behind a screen name and a distant computer screen. That's all you have so..cling fucker, cling! As for me, I don't look at this chair as a punishment. It's been a hell of an education on how NOT to be. Currently from where I sit...I'm doing ok. Oh and by the way, God and I are just fine....nothing to do with any book though. Anymore shots you want to take at me from your lofty fuckin height...PM away!

You have anger management issues. Take it easy pal.


Mar 7, 2004
With all due respect you are a whore. You lie and "pretend" for a living. The face you show here is what the masses want you to show. Anything for a buck. Tell me- you're last 20 boyfriends- were any of them morbidly obese?

I thought so. Nice try hypocrite but at the end of the day you are nothing more than a chameleon. You know that 85%+ of TERB are fat or morbidly obese therefore you customize your answer accordingly. In real life you probably wouldn't even throw a life jacket to a drowning fat fuck.
What is the point of your even commenting? You don't believe anyone else, and no-one here cares what you think, aside from the entertainment value of watching the mind of an asshole spraying and foaming, and that is now thoroughly tired.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
With all due respect you are a whore. You lie and "pretend" for a living. The face you show here is what the masses want you to show. Anything for a buck. Tell me- you're last 20 boyfriends- were any of them morbidly obese?

I thought so. Nice try hypocrite but at the end of the day you are nothing more than a chameleon. You know that 85%+ of TERB are fat or morbidly obese therefore you customize your answer accordingly. In real life you probably wouldn't even throw a life jacket to a drowning fat fuck.
Don't we all pretend And lie in our lives. I'm sure that you had your share of ugly, smelly skinny or fat bosses, clients or coworkers. Did you refuse to deal with them because you thought they were vermins not worthed of your highness time?


Jul 27, 2011
What is the point of your even commenting? You don't believe anyone else, and no-one here cares what you think, aside from the entertainment value of watching the mind of an asshole spraying and foaming, and that is now thoroughly tired.
moeman123 is milking everyone here for attention. Many losers
use negative behavior to get attention, and invariably some people buy into their game.

In the real world most spot it and would be ignoring him. Here he can sucker people to paying attention.

You cannot reason with him, any reaction makes him happy. Making you dance to his words makes him feel powerful and in control and superior.

The only way to deal with him is to ignore him.



Jan 31, 2005
As far as i'm talks. so i doubt theres any sp's not seeing bigger guys.

If i was an sp.......i would not turn down a 300lb woman. If she smells then i'd ask her to shower. But i would have to close my eyes when doing the deed and think of someone sexy
I would hate to think I would ever get to such a point of desperation in my life that I'd fuck someone who was 300lbs or more. I can't imagine why SP's do it. There's lots of other customers out there, I guess, some people just don't have as much self respect as I do.

I agree with the points that hygiene is more important and that there are people of all sizes that have crap hygiene. Wouldn't do that either. If I encounter a woman who smells nasty, I just walk away. Showering up isn't going to do it--once I know someone has hygiene that bad, I just generally view them as unsafe / probably diseased.

A bad attitude I could put up with. Maybe it's different for women. For me, it would just result in much more aggressive sex. I'd run through all the obnoxious things she'd said once we got to doggy.
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Mar 7, 2004
moeman123 is milking everyone here for attention. Many losers
use negative behavior to get attention, and invariably some people buy into their game.

In the real world most spot it and would be ignoring him. Here he can sucker people to paying attention.

You cannot reason with him, any reaction makes him happy. Making you dance to his words makes him feel powerful and in control and superior.

The only way to deal with him is to ignore him.

Yeah, I know.... (hanging head in shame) But I am kinda curious to see how he responds. Perhaps he will actually say something that gets him banned, that would make me feel good. As I posted above, I know a person just like this guy, and he's only living when he's putting down other people and defining reality for everyone else. I volunteered at a retirement home years ago and I found there were two basic types living there, those who had an interest in the world and those who were just waiting to die. I thought a lot about the later type, and understood that I could see the sort of person who would end up that way by observing their attitude to other people. Guys like this always end up the saddest cases, no-one cares that they ever lived, and some folks are very glad they are on their way out. It is guaranteed that moeman123 is a man without real friends, burning his life up in anger and fear. Psychological projection all over everyone else. I see a man who is despairing of his mortality... he knows his body will break down over time and he won't be able to live with himself.

I'm going out for a nice bike ride now, gonna feed the birds and enjoy the sun.


Jul 27, 2011
Yeah, I know.... (hanging head in shame) It is guaranteed that moeman123 is a man without real friends, burning his life up in anger and fear. Psychological projection all over everyone else. I see a man who is despairing of his mortality... he knows his body will break down over time and he won't be able to live with himself.
and he keeps using new nicks to try and hide how undersiarable he is?


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
, I guess, some people just don't have as much self respect as I do.

You bring up a good point.

But if this was my only way of making a living i'd have to swallow my pride and self respect to pay my bills and bang that 300lb woman. Sure i'd feel gross afterward and might even throw up a bit. Sure in a perfect world i would have a little more self respect. But we all have different financial situations.

So really untill we walk in these womens shoes and live their lives............these are some of the sacrifices they have to make. Whether they have childeren, or just simply trying to feed an addiction or simply trying to get by.

I don't envy what they do for a living, but i do respect the women for having the courage to do this. Not the safest proffession, and it takes guts. From the crackhead streetwalker to the vip escorts, nothing but respect.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
I think women think differently when it comes to attraction. It's more of an emotional-based than physical-based. One of my buddies is overweight--almost twice my size. Yet, his girlfriend is absolutely gorgeous, and thin like a model.

What I can conclude from my observation is that women are into guys who are confident, charismatic, and can make them feel happy.


Nov 20, 2006
I think women think differently when it comes to attraction. It's more of an emotional-based than physical-based. One of my buddies is overweight--almost twice my size. Yet, his girlfriend is absolutely gorgeous, and thin like a model.

What I can conclude from my observation is that women are into guys who are confident, charismatic, and can make them feel happy.
or he happened to find himself a female chubby chaser. There are dudes like that. Or she utterly hates her self and doesn't have the ovaries to throw up her meals or cut herself.

As for self respect, where does that put the hetro male doctor who shoves his finger up another dudes ass. But hey, it is a needed service and usually the pay will go up enough to compensate.


Jul 27, 2011
I think women think differently when it comes to attraction. It's more of an emotional-based than physical-based. One of my buddies is overweight--almost twice my size. Yet, his girlfriend is absolutely gorgeous, and thin like a model.

What I can conclude from my observation is that women are into guys who are confident, charismatic, and can make them feel happy.

Speaking for myself, it is easier to deal with people who are ugly or deformed on the outside than it is to have to deal with those that are ugly and/or deformed on the inside.


Jul 5, 2011
Out of all the vermin I see downtown the ones that really make my stomach turn are the morbidly obese.

I see them wobbling down the street, sweating like pigs, smelling like feces because they can't wipe but yet stuffing there mouths with pitas, etc.

I hate fat people. I won't lie. I could not imagine having sex with some fat hog, fat thighs and dripping lard sweat.
How the hell do escorts deal with fat guys?
They should charge by the pound.

Obesity is a sin BTW.
I have a feeling this won't end well...........


New member
May 28, 2011
Don't we all pretend And lie in our lives. I'm sure that you had your share of ugly, smelly skinny or fat bosses, clients or coworkers. Did you refuse to deal with them because you thought they were vermins not worthed of your highness time?
Walmart greeters can't say no


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
I work in a trade where physical labour is necessary, and fat people are a pain in the ass. They can`t do the required labour the trade demands and oten get a softer work load for the same pay.

We recently hired a temp and when he showed up, he was 400 pounds, his contract was for a week and I spent the whole time finding easy work for him to do, and sent him home early a few days with full pay so I didn`t have to deal with him.
I couldn`t wait for the fat slob to be done.

Although I didn`t listen to much he had to say, I believe he mumbled something about it wasn`t fair that the government wouldn`t pay to get his stomach stapled.

For all you fat lovers, next time some fatso sits beside you on a plane, he`s funny, articulate, smells nice, and all of the afformentioned, the only problem is he takes up half your seat and he prevents you from changing the TV, see how you like that.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
i'm big and i fit on a plane just fine. i always make sure to take the aisle seat and lean into the aisle. i move if i see someone coming and i usually end up getting smacked by the attendants with the cart.


Jul 1, 2012
In my bum
If you're fat and hobbying, i think you should use your hobby money, to get yourself back in shape with a personal trainer, nutritionist, jenny craig, liposuction.............whatever it takes.

I think your money is better spent there.. And with fabulous results you just might feel more confident to go out and meet normal women.

Samurai Joey

Active member
Sep 29, 2004
I find it incredible how so many here on TERB (and yes, I'm specifically thinking of you, fuji, as well as the OP) seem to relish bashing overweight or obese people.

I will make several points here:

(1) Yes, it is true that obesity has increased around the world due to many factors, including a change to a sedentary lifestyle and the increased availability of high-calorie fast foods. However, it is also the case that certain individuals also have a genetic propensity for weight gain, and for others experiences in early childhood can also contribute to obesity. In any case, obesity is a health issue and that's how I would like to think of it.

(2) Following up on point (1), just because someone is obese does not necessarily imply lack of control, nor does it imply that person is lazy, unkempt or filthy. There are many obese people (including those who I know personally) who are perfectly hygienic, and there are non-obese people who I've known who are disgustingly unhygienic.

(3) What difference does it make to any of you whether or not an SP sees overweight or obese clients? It is the SP's business which clients she is willing to see, and I do not see any reason why we should question this.

(4) As a follow-up to all the points above, IMHO I believe that bashing or demeaning obese people, or any other people based on their personal appearance, reflects more on the character (or lack thereof) of those doing the bashing than on those who are the targets of the bashing. If I had to choose between who is more worthy of contempt -- an obese person or the OP -- the OP would win hands down. Likewise with fuji for his comments on obese people.

Disclaimer: I am not obese or overweight myself -- as the few of you on TERB who have met me in real life can attest to.
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