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18-year-old arrested after telling taxi driver of 'plan for high-school massacre'


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

An Oklahoma high school student is behind bars after a cab driver reported hearing him plotting a Columbine-shooting at his school, police said.

Timmy Eike, 18, was arrested on Tuesday after police found a shotgun, rifle and 250 rounds of ammunition in his bedroom.

The teenager’s arrest came a day after gunman James Holmes appeared in a Colorado court accused of killing 12 people and injuring 58 during a midnight screening of the Batman movie.

Eike, who was supposed to be a senior at Woodward High School this fall, also allegedly watched videos of the 1999 Columbine massacre in preparation for carrying out a mass killing.

The cab driver came forward last Sunday telling police he feared Eike was preparing to carry out a possible killing spree, court records show.

The whistle-blower told KWTV News 9 that he drove the teenager to work at Wal-Mart several times over recent weeks. It was then Eike allegedly spoke about killing people, hiding bodies and fleeing the country.

'I did what I figured anybody else would have done,’ the driver, who wanted to remain anonymous, told News 9.

Court records show that Eike brought the weapons illegally in the past month.

The teenager is charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and lying to a licensed dealer about his mental condition.

Eike is currently in the Logan County Jail and a judge will decide on Monday whether to release him on bond.



May 22, 2007
Hey! Let's make a gun available for every citizen so that they can start blowing each other away- great idea! And let's make it easy for all the psychos to get ones - especially 18 year old boys! Yea! And let's give them a machine gun and shotgun for "home defense" and "hunting deer"! Splendid!

Buick Mackane

Active member
Mar 1, 2012
Who the hell takes a cab to work at WalMart?

That alone tells you he ain't wired right and should be locked up for life.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Agreed. "Psychos" don't have any particular type of "look". In any other context, he would look "stable" . Enough with the preschool judgements.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
"Psychos" don't have any particular type of "look". In any other context, he would look "stable" . Enough with the preschool judgements.
Unless these are merely p.c. sentiments to "score points," apparently you do not have a particularly well developed sense of "vibes" (or whatever you care to term it). Having been in any number of situations where those "preschool judgements" have prevented real harm, I believe I'll continue to pay attention to them, thank you very much.


Mr. Debonair
Apr 8, 2011
Unless these are merely p.c. sentiments to "score points," apparently you do not have a particularly well developed sense of "vibes" (or whatever you care to term it). Having been in any number of situations where those "preschool judgements" have prevented real harm, I believe I'll continue to pay attention to them, thank you very much.
You must be terrified walking in public places, if the pic of a dork in the original post looks unstable to you.

Without watching his movements, mannerisms, listening to his speech, dresscode, or otherwise being able to size him up in any proper context, I can't pass judgement on his mental stability based on his goofy looks in a picture.


Jan 31, 2005
Good that they took this seriously. I recall hearing that the inquests into Columbine and other school shooting turned up that something like 80% of shooters tell someone what they're going to do in advance, but the warnings are ignored.
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