North Korea to Lead UN's Nuclear Disarmament Group


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2002
north york

North Korea has been appointed head of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament -- a 65-member arms control forum -- despite the U.N. Security Council imposing sanctions against the communist regime over its nuclear weapons program.

North Korean ambassador So Se Pyong took over the presidency of the U.N. body Tuesday.

"I am convinced that the conference is able to achieve concrete results. I am very engaged in moving the conference forward," he told AFP.

A United Nations summary showed that "all of the delegations that took the floor" welcomed Pyong's presidency, and that "they looked forward to his stewardship" to revitalizing and strengthening the conference. The summary lists that Canada, the U.K., Iran, China and India took the floor and backed the choice.

A Geneva-based human rights group is calling on the United States and the European Union to strongly protest the appointment.

"Bare months after the U.N. finally suspended Libya's Col. Muammar Qaddafi from its Human Rights Council, North Korea wins the propaganda coup of heading the world's disarmament agency. It's asking the fox to guard the chickens, and damages the U.N.'s credibility," Hillel Neuer, executive director of U.N. Watch, said in a statement.

The Conference of Disarmament -- which is billed as "the single multilateral disarmament negotiating forum of the international community" -- appoints its presidents on a rotating basis. Neuer says this is still unacceptable to having a North Korean official appointed to such a high-profile position.

"While the U.N. will likely defend North Korea's appointment as simply an automatic rotation, no system should tolerate such a fundamental conflict of interests. It's common sense that a disarmament body should not be headed by the world's arch-villain on illegal weapons and nuclear proliferation, notorious for exporting missiles and nuclear know-how to fellow rogue regimes around the globe."

This month, the U.S. Navy intercepted a ship from North Korea that was suspected of illegally carrying missile parts to Burma.

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Another giant leap forward for the UN.
You and ardie are just silly. As if isolating North Korea has done any good. You guys really are unsophisticated to use a kind word.

PS: I cannot redall ever having voted for giving the US the authority to decide which countries shall be allowed to have nuclear weapons.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
You and ardie are just silly. As if isolating North Korea has done any good. You guys really are unsophisticated to use a kind word.

PS: I cannot redall ever having voted for giving the US the authority to decide which countries shall be allowed to have nuclear weapons.
Silly? Unsophisticated? LOL. You are too funny. I may be silly and unsophisticated in many ways but pointing out the irony of appointing NK to head a disarmament group when it is being sanctioned for not cooperating with UN investigators etc. is not among them. Almost as funny as the UN endorsing the anti terrorism conference in Iran. Regrettably the UN, a once great institution, continues its descent into irrelevance.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Its like having priests run a anti-pedofilia conference .
Priests don't have that authority.
That's why they have bishops for....:biggrin1:


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Silly? Unsophisticated? LOL. You are too funny. I may be silly and unsophisticated in many ways but pointing out the irony of appointing NK to head a disarmament group when it is being sanctioned for not cooperating with UN investigators etc. is not among them. Almost as funny as the UN endorsing the anti terrorism conference in Iran. Regrettably the UN, a once great institution, continues its descent into irrelevance.
Well said.

The U.N. doesn't have to make NK the chair. They can still extend NK an invitation to attend or participate in the conference, but to make them the chair of it is utterly stupid.
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