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Former Playboy Model Karen McDougal Sues to Break Silence on Trump


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
Former Playboy Model Karen McDougal Sues to Break Silence on Trump

By Jim Rutenberg

March 20, 2018

A former Playboy model who claimed she had an affair with Donald J. Trump sued on Tuesday to be released from a 2016 legal agreement requiring her silence, becoming the second woman this month to challenge Trump allies’ efforts during the presidential campaign to bury stories about extramarital relationships.

The model, Karen McDougal, is suing the company that owns The National Enquirer, American Media Inc., which paid her $150,000 and whose chief executive is a friend of President Trump’s. The other woman, the adult entertainment star Stephanie Clifford, better known as Stormy Daniels, was paid $130,000 to stay quiet by the president’s personal lawyer, Michael D. Cohen. She filed suit earlier this month.

Both women, who argue that their contracts are invalid, are trying to get around clauses requiring them to resolve disputes in secretive arbitration proceedings rather than in open court. Mr. Trump has denied the affairs.

Ms. McDougal, in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court, claims that Mr. Cohen was secretly involved in her talks with A.M.I., and that the media company and her lawyer at the time misled her about the deal. She also asserts that after she spoke with The New Yorker last month after it obtained notes she kept on Mr. Trump, A.M.I. warned that “any further disclosures would breach Karen’s contract” and “cause considerable monetary damages.”

In an email to The New York Times, her new lawyer, Peter K. Stris, accused A.M.I. of “a multifaceted effort to silence Karen McDougal.”

“The lawsuit filed today aims to restore her right to her own voice,” he said, adding, “We intend to invalidate the so-called contract that American Media Inc. imposed on Karen so she can move forward with the private life she deserves.”

Ms. McDougal filed her suit just days before Ms. Clifford was to appear on “60 Minutes” to discuss her relationship with Mr. Trump and the efforts Mr. Cohen undertook on his client’s behalf to pay for her silence.

Mr. Trump joined a legal effort last week seeking some $20 million in penalties tied to Ms. Clifford’s agreement.

The court dispute has drawn public attention to an issue that was previously sidelined. And both women’s suits could provide more fodder for federal complaints from the watchdog group Common Cause that the payoffs were, effectively, illegal campaign contributions.

Ms. Clifford and Ms. McDougal tell strikingly similar stories about their experiences with Mr. Trump, which included alleged trysts at the same Lake Tahoe golf tournament in 2006, dates at the same Beverly Hills hotel and promises of apartments as gifts. Their stories first surfaced in the The Wall Street Journal four days before the election, but got little traction in the swirl of news that followed Mr. Trump’s victory. The women even shared the same Los Angeles lawyer, Keith Davidson, who has long worked for clients who sell their stories to the tabloids.

Ms. McDougal negotiated with the country’s leading tabloid news provider, A.M.I., which is known to buy and bury stories that might damage friends and allies of its chief executive, David J. Pecker — a practice known as “catch and kill.”

Ms. McDougal’s legal complaint alleges that she did not know about the practice, or about Mr. Pecker’s friendship with Mr. Trump, when she began talking to company representatives in spring 2016, shortly after Mr. Trump locked up the Republican nomination.

A.M.I. has previously acknowledged that Mr. Trump had been friends with Mr. Pecker, but said that he had never tried to influence coverage at the company’s publications.

Ms. McDougal has said that she was ambivalent about selling her story on the tabloid news market, but felt that her hand was forced after a hint of the alleged affair appeared in May 2016 on social media. Convinced something more would come out, she was determined to tell her story on her terms, her suit says.

A mutual friend connected her to Mr. Davidson, who, she said, told her the story could be worth millions. He arranged an interview with Dylan Howard, A.M.I.’s chief content officer, in Los Angeles. Mr. Davidson told her before the interview that A.M.I. would put $500,000 in an escrow account for her, and that “a seven-figure publishing contract awaited her,” the complaint reads.

Mr. Howard spent several hours pressing Ms. McDougal on the details of her story. But several days later, the media company declined to buy it, the complaint reads, and “Mr. Davidson revealed that, in fact, there was no money in escrow.”

A spokesman for Mr. Davidson said on Tuesday that the lawyer “fulfilled his obligations and zealously advocated for Ms. McDougal to accomplish her stated goals at that time,” but that commenting further would “violate attorney-client privilege.”

A.M.I. told The Times last month that it decided not to print Ms. McDougal’s story because it could not verify important details, though it acknowledged discussing her allegations with Mr. Cohen, the president’s lawyer, saying it did so as part of its reporting process.

The tabloid company showed renewed interest in the story in summer 2016, when Ms. McDougal began talks with ABC News. This time, A.M.I. offered a different deal.

Mr. Davidson informed her that A.M.I. would buy her story but not publish it because of Mr. Pecker’s relationship with Mr. Trump, the suit says. The payment would be $150,000, with Mr. Davidson and others involved on her behalf taking 45 percent. More alluring to Ms. McDougal, who is now a fitness specialist, was that the media company would feature her on its covers and in regular health and fitness columns, the complaint says.

As A.M.I. and Mr. Davidson pushed her to sign the deal on Aug. 5, Ms. McDougal expressed misgivings. But, her suit says, Mr. Davidson and Mr. Howard argued in an urgent Skype call that the deal to promote her would “kick start and revitalize” her career, given that she was “old now.” She was 45.

In all, they said, the contract would obligate A.M.I. to run more than 100 columns or articles and at least two covers featuring her. When she asked Mr. Davidson what she should do if her story leaked, he responded in an email, “IF YOU DENY YOU ARE SAFE,” and urged her to sign as soon as possible, according to the court documents.

The Times reported last month that Mr. Davidson sent Mr. Cohen an email on Aug. 5, 2016, asking him to call. Mr. Davidson then told Mr. Cohen over the phone that the deal had been completed, according to a person familiar with the conversation.

The timeline provided in the lawsuit shows that Mr. Davidson’s email came as he and A.M.I. were still hashing out the terms of the deal, which Ms. McDougal did not sign until the following day, Aug. 6. Mr. Cohen told The Times last month that he did not recall the communications.

After signing the contract, Ms. McDougal grew frustrated when she did not hear about columns or cover shoots for several weeks. She later figured out why. Though the agreement explicitly mentioned “a monthly column” on aging and fitness for OK! and Star, and “four posts each month” on Radar Online, it only gave A.M.I. “the right” to print them. It was not an obligation.

“She was tricked into signing it while being misled as to its contents (including by her own lawyer, on whose advice she was entitled to rely),” the lawsuit reads. So far, A.M.I. has run one cover and roughly two dozen columns or posts featuring her. The company later amended her contract to let her respond to “legitimate press inquiries” about Mr. Trump.

Mr. Stris contends that his client was misled and that the contract was executed under fraudulent circumstances, giving her the right to sue in court rather than proceed in arbitration.

Rebecca Ruiz contributed reporting.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Why should I care, Clinton proved that past affairs were acceptable of a POTUS


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Clinton's affairs pale in comparison to Trump. Trump paid hush money to keep them quiet before the elections. What a sly, sneaky liar. Still cannot fathom how his trumptard cult followers try to make all the excuses to cover his gross sexual encounters. They really hate the media for digging up all this dirt. Lots more of it to be revealed.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Trump May Be Deposed in ‘Apprentice’ Groping Lawsuit

President Donald Trump can’t avoid a former "Apprentice" contestant’s defamation lawsuit and may be forced to respond under oath to allegations of sexual assault and his treatment of women.

Summer Zervos, a contender on The Apprentice in 2005, sued Trump in January 2017 alleging he “ambushed” her on more than one occasion starting in 2007, kissing her, touching her breast and pressing his genitals against her. On Tuesday, New York State Supreme Court Justice Jennifer Schecter denied the president’s request to throw out the lawsuit or delay it until he leaves office.

"No one is above the law," Schecter wrote in an 18-page decision. “Nothing in the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution even suggests that the president cannot be called to account before a state court for wrongful conduct that bears no relationship to any federal executive responsibility.”

The ruling could subject Trump to extremely broad questions about this case and similar ones, and he might be forced to testify under oath and provide documents, said Naomi Mezey, a professor at Georgetown Law School and an expert on civil procedure.

Zervos has already asked for Trump campaign documents concerning “any woman alleging that Donald J. Trump touched her inappropriately.”

Stormy Daniels Faces $20 Million in Damages in Trump Lawsuit.

The decision may also complicate Trump’s effort to dismiss allegations from various women about his behavior. Trump is separately embroiled in a scandal involving a $130,000 payment to an adult film actress -- Stephanie Clifford, who performed under the name Stormy Daniels -- who alleges he’s attempting to prevent her from discussing a sexual relationship she had with him in 2006. Her interview on “60 Minutes” is scheduled to air March 25.

Also on Tuesday, a former Playboy model who claims she had a 10-month affair with Trump starting in 2006 sued the company that owns the National Enquirer to void a 2016 contract requiring her not to talk about the encounter.

Marc Kasowitz, who is representing Trump in the Zervos suit, and Gloria Allred, an attorney for Zervos, didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment on the ruling.

Tuesday’s decision is likely to be appealed and will probably reach the state’s highest court, and perhaps the U.S. Supreme Court, said Mezey. The judge’s ruling cited the Supreme Court’s 1997 decision in Paula Jones’s lawsuit against Bill Clinton, which held that the president doesn’t have immunity in federal lawsuits over purely private acts.

"This case seems to be turning on the very question that the Supreme Court left open in Clinton versus Jones, which is whether their same decision would apply in a state court case," Mezey said.

Zervos said Trump injured her reputation by denying that he groped her and branding women who accused him of similar behavior as liars. The defamation claim stems from statements by the then-candidate following the release of the infamous "Access Hollywood" recording that featured him making crude comments about women.

Trump Lashes Out at Accusers, Says Allegations Are All Lies

Trump has called the lawsuit politically motivated, adding that Zervos can’t hold him liable for engaging in political speech that’s protected by the First Amendment. He has said she continued to attempt to contact him and seek employment even after he made the alleged unwanted sexual advances -- and only turned against him after he failed to accept an invitation to her restaurant.

Trump had also argued that he’s immune from lawsuits in state court, citing the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution. He has cited the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Jones’s lawsuit against Clinton, where the justices ruled her federal case could proceed. But the nation’s highest court explicitly stated that it wasn’t deciding if lawsuits in state court could proceed against a president.

"There is absolutely no authority for dismissing or staying a civil action related purely to unofficial conduct because defendant is president," Schecter said. "Even after Clinton v. Jones, decided more than 20 years ago, Congress has not suspended proceedings against the president of the United States and there are no compelling reasons for delaying plaintiff’s day in court here."

It might still take years for the case to be resolved. Both sides have the right to automatically appeal to a panel of judges in Manhattan, a process that can take months. And the parties can then ask the state’s highest court in Albany to review the case, a challenge that could take as long as a year to complete.

The case is Zervos v. Trump, 150522/2017, New York Supreme Court, New York County (New York).


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I think the left is pissed because Clinton banged white trash dogs....


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Calling the women who were the victims "white trash dogs" explains the class of the trumptard cult followers.

Anyway these same individuals can keep on lashing at an ex President from almost 20 years ago, whereas their cult leader is the biggest piece of trash that has occupied the Whitehouse. It is great to see more and more women come out to reveal the sleaze bag who bribed them to keep hush hush before the elections.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Trump has better taste in women than Clinton. Clinton is like the Terbite that slums exclusively in the BP forum.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Trying to take down Trump with a sex scandal is laughable. It won't hurt him.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Trying to take down Trump with a sex scandal is laughable. It won't hurt him.
Just like it did to Bill Clinton who then went on to win another term in Office? Instead, Trump with his locker room lies will now be outed for the person he really is. Obviously, the cult followers do not want to believe it. Look at the numerous posts denying it, and trying to defend him. But when the normal respectable Americans who voted for Trump are now made aware of it, well look at the by election results.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Just like it did to Bill Clinton who then went on to win another term in Office? Instead, Trump with his locker room lies will now be outed for the person he really is. Obviously, the cult followers do not want to believe it. Look at the numerous posts denying it, and trying to defend him. But when the normal respectable Americans who voted for Trump are now made aware of it, well look at the by election results.
Every voter went into the booth knowing exactly what Trump was. Dont kid yourself. They were that pissed at the status quo.

If Bernie had been the Dem choice he would be President right now. That is the failure of the Democrats to nominate a real progressive and not the Money Candidate who paid in cash for the nomination.

As for the by elections they bested Moore by a hair and also elected a pro gun anti abortion Democrat.

The later is out again at the midterms when the districts change.

Looking forward to Bernie in 2020.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I love Donald Trump and I love how the Evangelicals are marching in goosestep with him. And they supported Roy Moore as well, nearly getting him elected Senator. Trump walks on the path of righteousness, God be praised!

Btw, Stephen Colbert should stick to Late Night. Our Cartoon President sucks really, really hard.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I love Donald Trump and I love how the Evangelicals are marching in goosestep with him. And they supported Roy Moore as well, nearly getting him elected Senator. Trump walks on the path of righteousness, God be praised!

Btw, Stephen Colbert should stick to Late Night. Our Cartoon President sucks really, really hard.
They topped that, now the GOP has an actual Nazi, Holocaust denier running in their party.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Every voter went into the booth knowing exactly what Trump was. Dont kid yourself. They were that pissed at the status quo.

If Bernie had been the Dem choice he would be President right now. That is the failure of the Democrats to nominate a real progressive and not the Money Candidate who paid in cash for the nomination.

As for the by elections they bested Moore by a hair and also elected a pro gun anti abortion Democrat.

The later is out again at the midterms when the districts change.

Looking forward to Bernie in 2020.
If Obama was considered to be a "leftie" by the Republicans and a sizeable section of the population, then no doubt that Bernie Sanders would have been portrayed as a "Commie" and "far left" candidate.
Yes, more voters actually voted for Clinton then Trump but obviously the Collegiate Demographics favoured Trump.

During the general election campaign the Americans would have had second thoughts about electing someone like Sanders, although Sanders has a very passionate base. A fair section of the Clinton supporters would either abstain from voting in the elections. Look at Jeremy Corbyn in the UK elections. He is considered to be too left wing although he has managed to attract a sizeable base of younger voters just like Sanders did. But the Labour Party needs a more moderate candidate to seriously challenge a disastrous Conservative ruling party, that has screwed up the UK with this whole Brexit nonsense. Again it is all Fox News speculation and no real facts about the "Money" that won the Democratic nomination.

Moore lost a very safe seat where the Republicans had always won by a large majority and despite Trump endorsing this child molester. This other election that you are referring to played out the same scenario. A safe Republican seat and once again a huge majority overturned even though Trump personally campaigned and boasted about his own looks. LOL!!

Bernie will not be nominated, as a candidate as he will be past his "Use by Date".


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
If Obama was considered to be a "leftie" by the Republicans and a sizeable section of the population, then no doubt that Bernie Sanders would have been portrayed as a "Commie" and "far left" candidate.
Yes, more voters actually voted for Clinton then Trump but obviously the Collegiate Demographics favoured Trump.

During the general election campaign the Americans would have had second thoughts about electing someone like Sanders, although Sanders has a very passionate base. A fair section of the Clinton supporters would either abstain from voting in the elections. Look at Jeremy Corbyn in the UK elections. He is considered to be too left wing although he has managed to attract a sizeable base of younger voters just like Sanders did. But the Labour Party needs a more moderate candidate to seriously challenge a disastrous Conservative ruling party, that has screwed up the UK with this whole Brexit nonsense. Again it is all Fox News speculation and no real facts about the "Money" that won the Democratic nomination.

Moore lost a very safe seat where the Republicans had always won by a large majority and despite Trump endorsing this child molester. This other election that you are referring to played out the same scenario. A safe Republican seat and once again a huge majority overturned even though Trump personally campaigned and boasted about his own looks. LOL!!

Bernie will not be nominated, as a candidate as he will be past his "Use by Date".
Bernie has created a political machine and reached out to a wide group of progressive organizations to develop the grassroots. And is making serious inroads at both state and federal level elections and primaries.

There is a reason he refused to hand over his email list of supporters and donors to the Democrats. He plans another run. Maybe even as an independent.

Why wouldn't you support a candidate that wants universal healthcare and college tuition assistance?

Aren't you a progressive?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Bernie has created a political machine and reached out to a wide group of progressive organizations to develop the grassroots. And is making serious inroads at both state and federal level elections and primaries.

There is a reason he refused to hand over his email list of supporters and donors to the Democrats. He plans another run. Maybe even as an independent.

Why wouldn't you support a candidate that wants universal healthcare and college tuition assistance?

Aren't you a progressive?
I am not not slamming Bernie Sanders for what he stands for, but merely stating the obvious facts about how his political and social programs may not resonate with the majority of the Americans.
Look at the scale of the protests when Obama wanted to introduce an affordable healthcare act and how it was voraciously attacked by the right wing Republicans who vehemently obstructed it's progress.
But even Trump and his cronies have nothing in common with Sanders, and seeing how passionately you run to Trump's defence for every single issue, I do not buy the notion that you would support Sanders in his bid for Presidency. All it will end up doing is splitting the moderate and left leaning voters, if he runs as an Independent candidate.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Trying to take down Trump with a sex scandal is laughable. It won't hurt him.
Obviously with some male fans - Trump is a hero. I don't have a problem with Trump's selection of mistresses - they are way above Clinton's. As for those who feel bad for Melania - Trump cheated on every wife he had and he has a disgusting personality - but he's rich - Melania knew what she was getting into ... I'm guessing she is more embarrassed than hurt.

The religious zealots have illustratrated that they would gladly follow the devil if it was in their interest - nothing new there.

So the voluntary sex (excluding any illegality that might surround the hush funds) shouldn't cripple Trump but part of legal battles can. Trump is a misogynistic pig who has a history of molesting women. There have been 16 different women making accusations from groping to attempted rape. Attempts by Trump to shut these women up has just been thrown out of court and now they have a clear pathway to press their accusations.

If you are a male - you might respond 'so what ?' but the impact to Trump will be female Republican supporters. The last Democrat victories in traditional Republican strongholds have been pushed through by overwhelming women support independent of their past party affiliations. So the idea Trump cannot be hurt by a sex scandal is not true across the full voter spectrum.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I am not not slamming Bernie Sanders for what he stands for, but merely stating the obvious facts about how his political and social programs may not resonate with the majority of the Americans.
Look at the scale of the protests when Obama wanted to introduce an affordable healthcare act and how it was voraciously attacked by the right wing Republicans who vehemently obstructed it's progress.
But even Trump and his cronies have nothing in common with Sanders, and seeing how passionately you run to Trump's defence for every single issue, I do not buy the notion that you would support Sanders in his bid for Presidency. All it will end up doing is splitting the moderate and left leaning voters, if he runs as an Independent candidate.
Because Obama Care was in fact a private health care corporate welfare scheme.

Why not just raise the threshold of Medicare when the had control of the houses.

Because the Dems have enough politicians on big Medical's payroll to prevent it. That's why.

And the press, due to advertising revenue stream refuse to even allow it to be discussed. That's why they didn't show a single Bernie rally.

Its a sham. The American public does like it. Hence the popularity of Medicare and Medicaid.

The Democrats are not a progressive party. If Bernie runs he well take ALL of the progressive vote. And alot of the middle class as well.

Only one way to find out. Hopefully he runs. Gets in the debates. And makes his case.

Tommy Douglas wasn't popular initially either. To not support Bernie in the wake of 2016 when he has a 70% approval rating and every model shows he wins makes you and anyone else with your arguments a roadblock to real progressive policy. In the name political expediency and false narrative.

A shill for bad policy and money politics.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Obviously with some male fans - Trump is a hero. I don't have a problem with Trump's selection of mistresses - they are way above Clinton's. As for those who feel bad for Melania - Trump cheated on every wife he had and he has a disgusting personality - but he's rich - Melania knew what she was getting into ... I'm guessing she is more embarrassed than hurt.

The religious zealots have illustratrated that they would gladly follow the devil if it was in their interest - nothing new there.

So the voluntary sex (excluding any illegality that might surround the hush funds) shouldn't cripple Trump but part of legal battles can. Trump is a misogynistic pig who has a history of molesting women. There have been 16 different women making accusations from groping to attempted rape. Attempts by Trump to shut these women up has just been thrown out of court and now they have a clear pathway to press their accusations.

If you are a male - you might respond 'so what ?' but the impact to Trump will be female Republican supporters. The last Democrat victories in traditional Republican strongholds have been pushed through by overwhelming women support independent of their past party affiliations. So the idea Trump cannot be hurt by a sex scandal is not true across the full voter spectrum.
Bernie and universal healthcare is what will defeat him. Not shitty gutter politics. Which is what this is.

Consistently ive seen shows where they bring on ordinary Americans in a round table and always they at some point denounce the press and politicians for leading with the trash as opposed to policy. And want to discuss real issues.

Its stupid politics and you lowering yourself with it.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
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