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Tipping the dancers on stage? - Your opinion


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
My strategy was to buy my favorite dancers a drink or two and hence get more Hugs and Kisses in CR (break the ice so to speak or show myself as Willing To Spend kind of guy) but I realized recently that drinks don't pay the rent and food for the ladies but only put more profit in the bar's account so I am thinking about a new strategy and that is to tipping all dancers while they dance on stage. I think to start with it should be voluntarily but I feel that if one sitting next to stage and enjoying the show then he has to pay (the dancer on stage not the bar).

I personaly have this long belief that dancers must be paid by the club when they dance on stage but these clubs not only do not pay a dime to dancers but they even charge them heavily to allow them to work there!!!!. In my book they are exploiting these dancers like selling drinks three four times the usual price to patrons is not profit enough they have to make profit out of these ladies most of them single mothers or students as well!!!!. While clubs make huge profite some dancers have to leave home without any income after hours of hard work.

So this is why I am thinking of sitting next to stage during quiet hours (like last Saturday afternoon) and tip $5 or $10 to each dancer so that they make just a little bit while on stage and a bit of incentive for them to come on stage. If just a few other gentleman do this then they make a decent $20 to $40 for each 3 song stage dance. Usually a dancer come on stage two-three times a day so this way nobody leaves empty handed and everybody will be happy (spreading the wealth so to speak). I do recognize that during busy hours and when many are sitting next to stage it may be hard to implememt this strategy as some partons (those sitting on stage) may not like seeing one patron keep tipping, I think. But at least sometimes it maybe a good idea. I follow this strategy last weekend and saw likely when I implemented this policy several other patrons also started tipping but not to all but their own favorites.

What do you think about this strategy? Please share your opinion.
Aug 16, 2017
SC strategy is based on your desired outcomes. Outcomes can vary based on what you enjoy in a SC. Are you looking to sit with a dancer for long periods of time before CR? Are you looking for greater CR experiences? Dancers change their personality based on what they think customers will desire, and based on how comfortable we feel about it, we can be equally as duplicitous.

We as customers make choices that effect our experience in the club:

1) When we choose to visit the club: visiting during the day or non-peak hours will garner you more attention by the dancers if you are perceived to have the means and interest in dances.
2) How we dress: the dancers will extrapolate based on your clothing many conclusions as to potential earnings they could get from you.
3) How we speak and our itc identity: I'm sure we all know by now that dancers often have fake personas that they use itc, so we can as well if we decide to.
4) Our hygenie
5) How often YOU visit the club and frequency of times you are in the CR

There are many more variables at play, the fact is dancers are cunning and looking AND listening to assess how much they can earn from each customer.

There is also a supply and demand type model at play itc whereby if there is less customers in the club, the value (price) of each customer is raised to the dancer as we become rarer goods. We have to understand our own value that we bring to the club, how it's perceived by the dancers, and the variables that may improve or diminish said value.

Or you can just show up, have a few drinks turn your brain off and enjoy your time ;).


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Sounds like a very nice thing to do. I applaud both your taking the initiative and encouraging others to make similar choices of their own accord.

Some may take the view that they like to see the girl on stage before taking her for a dance, and tipping for that time instead.

But what you suggest has merit, and I hope folks give it proper consideration.


Active member
Feb 28, 2016
While I think I understand your motive for engaging in 'stage tipping' (and suggesting this for others), this is something that I've rarely seen (if ever) in Ottawa SCs, with the exception, of course, of the practice of the tipper mounting the stage himself (or, rarely, herself) and lying prone with the tip bill(s) presented in one manner or another. In the US I think there is a more established custom of 'stage tipping' by slipping the bill into the thong waistband or garter of the dancer while she's onstage but I don't think I've ever seen that done here.

Personally I've preferred to engage with dancers via CR visits, but I've often admired those who take to the stage to tip a favoured lady. I do feel somewhat bad if I end up exiting the club without repairing to the CR, but I do think the best approach is to take a dancer for at least some private dances - only my view though.

Interesting that you observed others following your lead when you began to do this H_K - perhaps you can establish a new tradition in the NCR clubs.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
Thank you so much all for your great comments and your time in responding. Thank you very much Charlotte for your kind response as well.

I followed this strategy for a second weekend in a row at Barbarellas this afternoon and it appears this second test has worked fine too as ladies appear to be very happy to at least receiving a modest $10 ($5 in first song and another $5 in the third song). It is not much but it is better than nothing to be rewarded for the effort they kindly make to entertain the audience especially those sitting next to stage (which happened to be only me for most of this afternoon).

That said unlike last weekend, this Saturday my initiative was not followed by other patrons except one female patron who came on stage on her back but I think she would have done so regardless. But as others suggested I hope that I can at least partially establish a trend so that patrons sitting nesx to stage feel obligated a bit to pay a little bit for their joyful time and the pleasure they receive from these hard working ladies. Nothing is free in this world so why these ladies should work for free?. Remember they have to pay a bar fee (somewhere between $40 to $60 every shift) and hopefully take a few dollars home too to pay for rent and food as well.


New member
Jun 22, 2016
So this is why I am thinking of sitting next to stage during quiet hours (like last Saturday afternoon) and tip $5 or $10 to each dancer so that they make just a little bit while on stage and a bit of incentive for them to come on stage.... Please share your opinion.
I don’t think it’s necessary to tip to encourage the dancers to come on stage; my impression is that they’re required to dance at a certain interval once they agree to a shift. (Which is kind of odd when you think about it... in Ottawa they typically pay $60 to the club per shift just to work, and on top of that agree to dance a certain amount during the shift.) It makes more sense to just take dancers to the CR more, since they pocket that money.

In the US, when you’re in states that permit full-contact dancing, there is typically less of a culture of stage tipping, and vice-versa in states that don’t permit full-contact dancing. So I don’t find the local culture all that unusual. Though it’s not that unusual for people to tip dollar bills in the US, whereas here anything less than $10 might come across the wrong way.

It is good advice though about drinks... the whole concept where some clubs require dancers to pay the bartender not to put alcohol in drinks patrons order is something a lot of people don’t know is happening behind the scenes. In some countries it’s the opposite, for example a lot of the dancers in Asia make a reasonable portion of their income from patrons ordering them “lady drinks”.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
I don’t think it’s necessary to tip to encourage the dancers to come on stage; my impression is that they’re required to dance at a certain interval once they agree to a shift. (Which is kind of odd when you think about it... in Ottawa they typically pay $60 to the club per shift just to work, and on top of that agree to dance a certain amount during the shift.) It makes more sense to just take dancers to the CR more, since they pocket that money.

Good advice to take them all to CR instead of a tip but nobody can possibly afford that. I know I can't. There are on average about a dozen dancers at any time so taking them to the CR instead for say average 3 songs mean $600+ per visit. Consdiering that I pay half my income to taxes I can afford only half that at most. I believe very few can afford $600+ nightly or weekly entertainment bill if anyone at all. My idea was to spread the wealth so to speak so that everyone gets something modest if several people participate in it.

Exactly they have to pay $60 for bar fee and some don't even make enough for their shift to take any money home. This is not fair. I am suggesting THOSE WHO SIT AT STAGE should tip dancers not those who are not still can take CR dances even those who sit at stage can take CR dances with the one(s) they like, similar to what I did yesterday.

In my experience in talking to dancers some make good money, some fair barely to pay for food and rent and some don't and few even lose money. Likely this doesn't depend on looks but more on social skills (like WTS mentioned texting their regulars encouraging them to come) and services (like being open minded in the CR). Some are not cut for these so don't make money. My basic point is if you sit at stage and enjoy the shows you should be prepared to pay for it a little bit but of course you can still take your farovites to the CR nothing prevents you from that.

Taking dancers to the CR SELECTIVELY as it is now will results in what I see as uneven distributions of patrons' money resulting in some ladies working for hours and hard and not making enough. I am myself guilty of that as I select dancers based on looks only (top 10%) but have recently started tipping all (a modest $10) when I sit next to stage).

Maybe the clubs should impose a mandatory fee for sitting at stage but as I know the nature of the industry I fear that in this case most if not all the generated money would go to rich owners rather than needy dancers who do the actual hard work.


Active member
Feb 28, 2016
H_K, when you 'stage tip' where/how exactly do you do this? Do you leave the bill on the stage beside the stairs as the dancer is getting ready to come off the stage? I'm wondering if the dancer you mentioned (in another thread) just didn't see this and as a result left it there as she wasn't used to this happening.

Unfortunately "[t]aking dancers to the CR SELECTIVELY as it is now" is likely going to remain the way things will be in these clubs for the foreseeable future. I applaud your attitude re spreading "the wealth so to speak" but it seems to me that, as in any competitive business situation, 'market forces' will come into play. Agree that it is a shame that certain dancers don't end up in the black after paying the 'bar fee' and that it would be nice if patrons who do not take CR trips contributed a little something to those providing the evening's (or afternoon's) entertainment on stage.

Those of us who do attend to see fave dancers are a bit "guilty" I guess, but not entirely as we are directly engaging a dancer in the manner that is best for her. Personally haven't been one to drop in to clubs just to enjoy the stage show, but this has ended up happening when waiting (to no avail) for a fave. It happens, rarely to me over the years, and I have felt that I wasn't 'doing my bit' if I end up staying for a while without a CR trip.

Not sure there's a good solution to this, just the harsh winnowing provided by 'market forces'. As stated, some are just not "cut out" for this.
Aug 16, 2017
HK after reading more of your posts, this tipping initiative is quite noble (however it first appeared as you being cheap). As noble of a cause that it might be, I am a SC customer, not a member of the United Nations responsible for ensuring equal distributions of wealth lol.

In addition, I was personally told by a dancer at Barbs that they pay an upfront monthly club fee which is different from the fee you guys seem to be referring to. She seemed to be very honest about this so now I am curious as to what type of fee the dancers indeed incur.

Lastly, although we may not spend on all dancers, we can still conduct ourselves in a manner to make it pleasant for dancers. I.E. don't waste a dancers time if we don't intend on taking them to the CR (unless you've made it obvious and they still are spending time with you), don't degrade or speak poorly to a dancer, always demonstrate courtesy and high level of respectfulness.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
r__d, Yesterday everytime I tipped I put the $5 on stage (not on stairs next to stage) where I was sitting which was at the other end and last weekend I also put it on stage (close to stairs but not on stairs, about 30 inches away), but I was sittiing near the stairs. The dancer definitely saw the tip as I put it at the beginning of her third song and she took the first tip in her first song. Some dancers may wish a bigger tip like $10 each time I am guessing that just a $5 bill may have been offensive to her (for a dancer who makes $500 per shift then I can see why a $5 bill can be offensive but for those who hardly make enough to pay the bar fee then a $5 bill or two can help) but i could be wrong as a big majority (9 out of 10) were very happy to have received the tips. Another way of stage tipping more conventional is to put the bill(s) in the mouth and go on stage. I only do this if I know dancer well as some dancers dom't just like this as they have told me so when I asked.

Yes I agree with you that unfortunately market forces will prevail.
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Active member
Mar 16, 2017
Lastly, although we may not spend on all dancers, we can still conduct ourselves in a manner to make it pleasant for dancers. I.E. don't waste a dancers time if we don't intend on taking them to the CR (unless you've made it obvious and they still are spending time with you), don't degrade or speak poorly to a dancer, always demonstrate courtesy and high level of respectfulness.
Good points. Totally agree.

In addition, I was personally told by a dancer at Barbs that they pay an upfront monthly club fee which is different from the fee you guys seem to be referring to. She seemed to be very honest about this so now I am curious as to what type of fee the dancers indeed incur.
Never heard of monthly fee. To the extend that I am aware based on what dancers told me they pay whenever they shw up for a shift. Somewhat the monthly fee may not make sense as some dancers I know show up once every three weeks and some dancers every day. Not to mention that some dancers change clubs several times per month or dance at several clubs at the same time. But again I could be wrong,

HK after reading more of your posts, this tipping initiative is quite noble (however it first appeared as you being cheap). As noble of a cause that it might be, I am a SC customer, not a member of the United Nations responsible for ensuring equal distributions of wealth lol.
Thanks but yes just to clarify I still take CR dances in addition to stage tip though maybe not as much as before as I exceed my budget sooner. I do also encourage CR private dances, in addition to tipping and for as much as patrons can.


Active member
Mar 16, 2017

As a stripper myself I must say that I really like your approach and keep doing it . We love to know that our stage shows is appreaciated and it is a very nice way to show it !

Hoping to meet you one day in a stripclub near by !

Daphnée Françoise
Bonjour Daphnee:

Thank you very much Daphnee. You are very sweet. I hope to see you at stripclub too.


To get more action in the CR you have to spend more money in the CR. However I’ve personally never kissed the lips of a dancer. Must be written in their code of conduct. Suckin dick is ok but no kissing clients


Active member
Mar 16, 2017
The main purpose of stage tipping is not really more action in the CR but rather to appreciate stage shows and in a small way appreciate the afford dancers make to give joyful time and pleasure to audience and also a better distribution of patrons' money which currently is based on "selectivity" based on social skills, mileage and looks resulting in uneven distribution of money earned among dancers.

I encourage more CR dancers and in addition stage tipping for those who sit next to stage and wish to enjoy free stage dances. I do not trust the bars so I am not encouraging the stage fee because I believe most likely all money generated will go to the bar and owners but I advocate volunteer tips directly to dancers while they perform on stage by those sitting at stage and also can take their favorites to CR for more private dances.
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Kilt Boy

Jul 12, 2017
Moncton NB
H_K, when you 'stage tip' where/how exactly do you do this? Do you leave the bill on the stage beside the stairs as the dancer is getting ready to come off the stage? I'm wondering if the dancer you mentioned (in another thread) just didn't see this and as a result left it there as she wasn't used to this happening.
I had mentioned this exact same thing somewhere else that the OP used to frequent along with all of my findings over a year or more. You probably remember my post where a dancer forgot the tip and I took it to her after. I'm pretty sure you saw that one.

Nobody else is doing it besides me.
I only go to the rail for dancers I want to tip.


Active member
Feb 28, 2016
I had mentioned this exact same thing somewhere else that the OP used to frequent along with all of my findings over a year or more. You probably remember my post where a dancer forgot the tip and I took it to her after. I'm pretty sure you saw that one.
Yes KB, I think I remember the post. I recall commenting that your mates were a bit mean to be laughing at the incident, but I think you suggested they were just having some good-natured fun with the situation.
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