Toronto Escorts

missy - best session ever!


New member
Apr 5, 2008
I had the great pleasure of seeing missy the other day, and let me say, she is FAR better looking in person; her pics don't do her justice!

All I can say is that it exceeded my expectations by, oh, about a million! She is very warm and bubbly and makes you feel at ease as soon as you walk through the front door. We share similar tastes in music too, which made the session go even smoother. Booking was easy for me, and we agreed over text beforehand the rundown of what would basically become my own hardcore porn (yes, it was taped....extra, of course). I'm not about to go into details, because it was just too kinky, but it roughly consisted of me fucking her face and getting rimmed for the better part of 2 hours, lots of degrading talk, mixed with some cumplay. If anyone's read my review of sweet riley grace, it was basically that only more extreme......basically grace on steroids!

For those of us into kink, I don't think there exists a better slave. She enjoys it just as much as you do! Of course, it does come at a price. The only downside was there was no Greek, but trust me, that is easily overlooked.

PM for dirty details (I've received dozens of messages within just a few hours of posting, and expect to receive more. I will not be responding to any messages for which the info can be easily obtained by contacting missy herself, ie. Price, normal services offered.)
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New member
Jul 12, 2008
I saw her today and she really is incredible. NEVER have I experienced such a true GFE/PSE. I almost don't even want to review her because I wish I could have her all to myself...

Seriously though I've never had a session so fun and erotic all at once. Call her a good actress or a YMMV type of deal but fuck me, it really felt like she wanted me as much as I wanted her - and with this hobby that's all you could ask for.

10/10 and a def repeat as long as she'll have me.


Jun 19, 2006
Rates depend on what services you want. Here is my review.

1. She is decent looking, not great, but not bad at all.
2. She is fairly nice, decent personality.
3 She has a wide menu (no greek though)

Now for the negative

1. The bedroom, more specifically the bed, is disgusting. Actually it is not even a bed, it is just an old mattress thrown on the floor, no pillows or nothing. the sheet had cum stains on it, and who knows when the lst time it was washed. (if ever). There is also a big window, but no curtains on it. So don't plan on having a session with the lights dimmed, it is totally sunlit. (unless you do a night session I guess)

2. She is insistent on asking for money up front. Usually this is a sign of bad service to come, and it is a turn off. My guess is she comes from a street walker background, and is not used to how things work for a high price escort clientele. .

3. Massive clock watcher! She was not ready for our appointed time, and needed a few minutes to get ready (probably waiting for the previous client to leave). And then to top it off, instead of giving me the apartment number, she asked to meet me downstairs in the lobby instead. This ate up more time. So we started the session about 15 mins late, but 15 minutes later, she tells me we have to hurry up and finish because she has another appointment booked. If she is going to cut our 30 min session in half, than I should not have to pay for the full 30 minutes if I only get 15 mins out of it!

4. She books back to back appointments for the whole day, with no spaces in between. Missy if you read this review, I recommend you have at least 15 minutes between each appointment for you to shower, and clean up (or change the sheets on the mattress). That is probably why she asks for the money upfront, cause she knows the customer will never get a full 30 minutes as she is booked back to back for the whole day.

5, Upsell, upsell upsell. the original price agreed upon is not the final price, there is an upsell for every little thing. Not cool when you are already spending $200 for a half hour session, which is a day's wage for a lot of us.

If it was a clean room, with a real bed, and clean sheets, and it was a full unrushed hh session, and her prices were more reasonable. Maybe, she would be worth a repeat. but who wants to spend $200 a hh, for a mattress with cum stains on it, and only get 15 mins out of your half hour because she starts late?

With all the money she makes, surely she can afford a bed and curtains and a couple of sets of clean sheets. It seems she just doesn't care about cleanliness, and she has more of a street walker approach to her business rather than a high price escort approach. She is only concerned with getting as much money from the customer as possible, and get them out the door as quickly as possible.
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