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Cell Phone Users & Driving


Senior Member
Aug 18, 2001
East of Reality
I'm curious as to know what people's thoughts are surrounding the use of cell phones while driving.

Personally I have used mine while driving (though not a lot) and I feel that it hasn't hindered me in any way. However it was while driving in traffic and moving very slow.

This past week I have had the opportunity of being around other drivers who were using their cell phones and to be completly honest, their driving was downright dangerous!

For instance one person was actually straddling both lanes and driving very slow on Kingston road. I could not get around her so I ended up laying on the horn to in effect, wake her the hell up!

Then today, some guy was at the light busy chatting away and didn't even notice that the light had changed. Again, it took a blast on the horn for him to clue in.

There has also been numerous times while driving on the DVP/401 that I have encountered people driving well below the speed limit, only to discover they are chatting on their cells, absolutely oblivious to what was going on around them.

From what I've seen on the roads, perhaps having a law (I'm not too sure if Ontario has officially made it law to ban the use of cell phones while driving) that bans the usage of cell phones is a good idea.

Fine Wine

Agent for Pol Roger..!
Aug 17, 2001
Cell phones

For me, the answer is using a head-set. Then, it is no different from talking to someone sitting beside you in the car. Far more dangerous is drinking coffee and/or eating while you drive (which I do regularly). One day, I was driving into the city along Lakeshore and was passed by a lady doing her crossword puzzle while she was driving. Have seen many applying their makeup! A crying baby is an even greater distraction. They will not be able to legislate the non-use of cell phones in a car.


Aug 28, 2001
south niagara
cell phones

Maybe we should put into the drivers manual on part of your driving test how to talk and drive or eat and drive so you can be a better driver lol Well here is my opinion here the phones are handy for emergencys and yes to business people they need but. respect other drivers and pull over and talk off the road or call them back once you have! Eating is for coffee shops and not one hand on the wheel and swerving and trying to sip and being pissed off because someone has cut you off because , your not doing speed limit and all over the f--road! So don't look for pity from me when your on that f-- phone and are causing a traffic problem for I willbe one of those drivers that will be laying on the horn!


hey DR.

How can you say that the two are related without more info? So maybe there were less car accidents, as you stated.
How many of those who did have accidents were usuing cell phones?

To those who argue that there are already are distracted people riving their cars, how can you justify letting them have
one more thing to take their attention from operating a 2000 pound machine safely?

Look how many drivers are already so distracted that they run intersections when ambulances or fire engines are
sounding their sirens. Imagine that you're so into talking on the phone that you don't see a young child running from
between parked cars and hit him: devastating

Everyone wants unlimited freedoms at the expense of safety. What's wrong with pulling over for a couple of minutes
to make that call if it's so important?

Driving is a full time activity that carries a lot of responsibility and I think that instead of adding distractions, we should
work on decreasing them.


Sep 11, 2001
Re: Cell phones

Fine Wine said:
I was driving into the city along Lakeshore and was passed by a lady doing her crossword puzzle

I was never as shocked as I was the day I saw a man with a book propped on his steering wheel -- he was quite intently reading it, glancing up every few seconds to check the road. Yikes. This was in Massachusetts, where driving badly is apparently mandatory...



Active member
Aug 19, 2001
I've seen some pretty dumb stunts on the road because of phones, but I'm against a specific law banning their use during driving. We already have laws against negligent driving. It would be stupid to single out one activity as especially dangerous, when it's not. For example, talking on the phone is not more dangerous than having an argument with someone in the car, or eating, or drinking etc.

Shallow Throat

What, Me Worry?
Aug 18, 2001
I agree with lj. I have seen people drive poorly when they are talking to someone beside them. Apparently, they feel the need to look at the person while talking to them. While that's polite, they really should keep their eyes on the road.

I wonder if anyone has done a study on the average number of people in a car when there's an accident.



There was a study that just came out about a month or so ago that showed that
the more people there were in the car, the more likely there was to be an accident.

The study should be easy to find by doing a search in the T.O. papers' web sites.


New member
Mar 13, 2002
I personally should be able to drive using my cell phone, because I can maintain the speed limit and stay between the lines. I used to also read books on the 401 and eat and drive a 5 spd at the same time. With 20 years of driving, and not a fender bender, I have proven myself.
The rest of you: pull over! :D

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I am a ludite when it comes to cell phones.

Don't own one

Don't want one

Don't want the electronic leash.

Work has insisted that i get one, but i have managed to avoid it.

My car is my oasis. Sometimes, i just shut off the radio, open the windows and listen to the song of the machine.

The last thing i want is some ignorant asshole calling me to ask me a question he should be able to figure out himself.

Nothing raises my blood pressure more than being out after work and in my favourite restaurant and some ignorant fool is yakking away on their cell phone about what they had for lunch.

Nothing strikes terror in my heart like a fat soccer mom behind the wheel of a huge minivan with 5 screaming brats with chocolate smeared all over their little piglette faces whilst she is roaring out of the nearest Costco with her cell phone at the side of her head.

Hand me my phaser set to incinerate somebody please.
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Cunning Linguist
Oct 28, 2001
amazing true story...

I have a business partner that I bug constantly about his driving / phone habits. He seems to think that the car is the perfect place to make all of his phone calls. Of course it doesn't help that his wife has impeccable timing in that she always seems to know when he's in the car. Since we often share a vehicle, I am painfully aware of this annoying habit. Anyway, after berating him once again last week I think I finally made my point. We were driving in separate vehicles yesterday and on our way back to our office he slammed into the back of my truck at a redlight....please hold your laughter. I got out of my truck and asked him if he was on his cellphone, he sheepishly shook his head yes. Now he is paying about 2000 bucks to fix my rear bumper etc...that is an expensive fucking phone call !
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