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Hamilton to CLOSE? Stillettos reopened briefly?

I had dances yesterday with Shawna at Pure Platinum in Ft Erie who lives in Hamilton.

She says its been in the media that Hamilton Strip will close early next year I believe when its lease is up since it will not be renewed perhaps from pressure from the City on the landlord.

She also says that Stillettos reopened breifly early this year but was quickly shut down again by the city.

I have searched the archives of The Hamilton Spectator and find nothing about this but it could of been on TV or other media.

I have not heard this nor any reports on Stillettos reopening and closing on the boards. Apparently only open a few weeks.

It will be sad if Hamilton Strip closes but wonder if any locals can confirm or deny what she was quite sure of.


New member
Aug 16, 2005
Hey Dave:

1) Stiletto's has been shut down for a LONG time. When it was Million Dollar it went through a massive rennovation and became Stiletto's. It pretty much was downhill from there. Never had any business and for some reason was shutdown.

2) I have not heard anything about Hamilton Strip shutting down. That place makes too much money to not-renew. If they are under pressure, it may be cause of the residential area it resides (but this club has been here for xx amt of years).

If I can find anything I'll let you know.
I realize Stiletto's closed - its near where I stay and note what bad shape the building has been in over the years. The dancer saying it opened briefly early this year surprised me since is still in bad shape. When I went there a few times years ago I was surprised it was fairly crowded dispite basically nothing but air dances in the small VIP room watched closely by those big bouncers.

Mayor Larry Di Ianni has stated he wants to keep strip clubs out of downtown. Claims connections with organized crime as excuse in addition to trying to revitilize downtown core. I assume the Strip isn't in the "core" but as you point out problem may be too residential area. They can't seem to win with location issue.


New member
Aug 16, 2005
IT's been the same issue with Solid Gold. Too many residents complained about it. After being busted for hoarding Hungarian prostitutes, violating their liquor license, I think it's finally closed (for a bit)

What DiIanni doesn't realize is that if a strip club is really involved in organized crime, no matter where they have it it will be induced in it (Seductions, Downers as an example)


New member
Aug 16, 2005
Dave in Phoenix said:
I realize Stiletto's closed - its near where I stay and note what bad shape the building has been in over the years. The dancer saying it opened briefly early this year surprised me since is still in bad shape. When I went there a few times years ago I was surprised it was fairly crowded dispite basically nothing but air dances in the small VIP room watched closely by those big bouncers.

Mayor Larry Di Ianni has stated he wants to keep strip clubs out of downtown. Claims connections with organized crime as excuse in addition to trying to revitilize downtown core. I assume the Strip isn't in the "core" but as you point out problem may be too residential area. They can't seem to win with location issue.
Stiletto's was a dive. When I first started going there, it was very busy. Wednesday's were 12 dollar pitchers. The dances there were under the watchful eye of the bouncers as everyone knows. I don't think that placed re-opened, but I could be wrong. It opened up awhile ago for a few weeks, but closed again


Apr 7, 2005
DaveInPhoenix said:
Hamilton to CLOSE?
Damn. When I first read this I thought you meant the entire city! Would have been the best thing to happen to the world since the creation of soap. :p


New member
Jun 6, 2005
Is Solid Gold open again and if not is there any date when it is going to open again?


New member
Nov 25, 2002
Stoney Creek

It is my understanding that this place was closed due to unsafe building and would only be able to reopen after extensive repairs or a total new building. After it originally closed, they reopened a month later for a couple of weeks, but have been closed for well over a year now. I live near here and drive by daily. The back lot is now always full of trucks and a mess. Don't count on ever seeing it open again.


New member
Oct 1, 2004
Yeah I drive by the building every day as well. It does appear that the only use the lot is getting is as a "big rig" parking lot.

I did notice that there was a for sale sign out from for the past couple weeks... this morning I noticed that the sales sign was gone. Could it have been sold?

Well since the dancer seems to have been wrong about Stilettos being reopened breifly this year, hopefully she is also wrong about Hamilton Strip losing its lease early next year.


New member
Feb 17, 2003
I was at the Strip recently and asked 1 of my regular ladies if the rumor about Hamilton strip closing was true. She was completley shocked that I even mentioned it said she had heard nothing of the kind


Swollen member
May 31, 2002
In the corner of a round room
yosh_man said:
... She was completley shocked that I even mentioned it said she had heard nothing of the kind
Yeah but it's not uncommon for the employees to not be "in the loop" so to say, when something like closing down is a possibility.

Phiber Optik

Mar 18, 2006
Dave in Phoenix said:
Well since the dancer seems to have been wrong about Stilettos being reopened breifly this year, hopefully she is also wrong about Hamilton Strip losing its lease early next year.
god i have no idea why people get dances with a stripper she wisphers something in his ear and he repeats it on terb.

Dancers are not creditable sources when it comes to management issues!


Jun 19, 2006
I agree with Phiber Optik, and to add to his point, the "rumor" came from a stripper who doesnt even work at the hamilton strip!
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